Glossary page W
Whole-number data
Data in which the values result from counting, or from measuring, with the values rounded to a whole number.
Example 1 (values from counting)
The number of students absent from each class in a primary school on a particular day.
Example 2 (values from measuring)
The heights of a class of year 9 students recorded to the nearest centimetre.
See: numerical data, quantitative data
Curriculum achievement objectives references
Statistical investigation: Levels 2, 3, (4), (5), (6), (7), (8)
Whole-number variable
A property that may have different values for different individuals and for which these values result from counting, or from measuring, with the values rounded to a whole number.
Example 1 (values from counting)
The number of students absent from each class in a primary school on a particular day.
Example 2 (values from measuring)
The heights of a class of year 9 students recorded to the nearest centimetre.
See: numerical variable, quantitative variable
Curriculum achievement objectives references
Statistical investigation: Levels (4), (5), (6), (7), (8)
Last updated October 21, 2013