English teaching and learning resources
This site offers information about the annual conference and regional associations, and resources that are available to support implementation of The New Zealand Curriculum and raising student achievement.
A portal for English teachers wanting to access teaching and learning resources.
A portal through which to access resources for developing teaching and learning programmes based on the literacy needs of learners.
A site with content designed to help teachers respond to the needs of their English language learners.
Assessment and professional support
Everything you need to know in relation to English and NZQA including the standards, clarifications, moderators’ newsletters, benchmarked samples for internally assessed standards and sample external examinations.
This key community covers assessment in the classroom, effective use of evidence, and reporting to families and whānau. It offers news, assessment tools and resources, research, a glossary, FAQ, and related links.
The linked site
Consider the evidence promotes "evidence-driven decision making for secondary schools" and supports secondary educators in making best use of evidence to improve student achievement.
For a view of how assessment can best serve learning, see
Directions for Assessment in New Zealand, a report by Michael Absolum, Lester Flockton, John Hattie, Rosemary Hipkins, and Ian Reid (also available as a Word or PDF file).
In 2007, ERO published reports on schools’ effectiveness in the collection and use of assessment:
Resourcing ideas
The following references will help you to plan teaching and learning activities.
Services to Schools supports educators by providing professional learning, advice, and quality resources to inspire and inform student learning, foster their love of reading, and develop their knowledge of culture and heritage.
The On Disk library of audiovisual teaching resources for secondary schools includes over 40 titles covering a range of subjects, with more titles to be added. ON DISK has now ceased to operate as a lending library, however, all titles can be screened and guided by teachers from the Film Archive's team.
Te ara in Māori means the pathway. Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand offers many pathways to understanding New Zealand. When complete, it will be a comprehensive guide to the country’s peoples, natural environment, history, culture, economy, institutions and society.
This website provides an online biographical database on the people who have helped shape New Zealand.
Professional development resources
As well as the HTML version of The New Zealand Curriculum, this interactive site offers a variety of support and strategies, news updates, digital stories of schools’ experiences, and archived material relating to development of the curriculum.
This site includes an English translation of the main sections of the draft marautanga. Only learning levels 1, 4, and 6 have been translated in the learning areas.
This companion site to the New Zealand Curriculum online offers specific guidance to school leaders and teachers on integrating the key competencies into the daily activities of the school and its teaching and learning programmes.
BES is a collaborative knowledge-building strategy designed to strengthen the evidence base that informs education policy and practice in New Zealand. Visit this site for all the BES syntheses and related resources.
The secondary education portal provides links to information, resources and guidance, to support secondary teaching and learning.
The home page now makes a clear distinction between resources for aligned standards and resources for non-aligned standards. Access to these is now much improved.
This resource describes the qualities, practices and activities middle and senior leaders need to lead in ways that enhance learner outcomes. It is the third in a series that includes Kiwi Leadership for Principals and Tū Rangatira: Māori-medium Educational Leadership.
Use this site or phone 0800 660 662 for copies of Ministry of Education teaching and learning resources.
Ka Hikitia–Accelerating Success 2013–2017 is a strategy to rapidly change how the education system performs so that all Māori students gain the skills, qualifications and knowledge they need to enjoy and achieve education success as Māori.
This Ministry of Education professional development strategy focuses on improving outcomes for Māori students in English-medium schools. This strategy supports:
Five Rangiātea case studies and exemplars examine five secondary schools, each of which is on a journey towards realising Māori student potential.
Tātaiako sets out competencies integral to creating culturally responsive learning environments and contexts, based on knowledge, respect, and collaborative approaches to Māori students, their whānau, and iwi. Successful teachers of Māori learners need to develop these competencies in each phase of their careers.
This section of Tāhūrangi links to information and resources about learning contexts and approaches that support Pacific students.
Last updated November 29, 2024