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Level 6 health education

Achievement objectives

Achievement objectives from different strands can be woven together to set directions for teaching and learning programmes that lead to national qualifications.

In order to satisfy the socio-ecological perspective, health education must derive learning contexts from strands A, C, and D.

Teachers will design programmes that meet the unique learning needs, interests and strengths of their students and make sense of the many connections within and across these strands, and with learning in other areas.


Indicators are examples of the behaviours and capabilities that a teacher might expect to observe in a student who is achieving at the appropriate level. Teachers may wish to add further examples of their own.

The following indicators have links to level 6 achievement objectives for the appropriate strand (for example, A1, B1, C1, etc) and achievement standards (for example, AS1.1).

These indicators show what learning at level 6 could look like for students, and may include curriculum learning beyond what the achievement standards assess.

  • Explain the interrelationship between the dimensions of well-being in a range of health related contexts (A1, A3, A4; AS90972 1.2, AS91097 1.3, AS90974 1.5, AS90975 1.6).
  • Evaluate the personal, interpersonal, and societal factors affecting well-being (A1, A3, A4, C1, C2, C3, D1, D3, D4; AS90971 1.1, AS90974 1.5, AS90975 1.6).
  • Generate solutions for health issues affecting individuals and local communities and describe how these recommendations could improve outcomes for those affected (D2, D3; AS90972 1.2, AS91097 1.3, AS90974 1.5).
  • Show understanding of actions that demonstrate respect for self, others, and the wider society (A4, D3; AS90972 1.2).
  • Show understanding of the ways in which people are unique and of how diversity and well-being can be supported in groups and communities (A4, C1, D1, D3; AS91097 1.3, AS90974 1.5).
  • Apply skills such as decision making, personal action planning and goal setting, effective listening, assertiveness, negotiation, and conflict resolution (C1, C2, C3; AS90971 1.1, AS90973 1.4).
  • Evaluate health promotion strategies that enhance the well-being of individuals (A1, A3, A4, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3, D4; AS90972 1.2, AS91097 1.3, AS90974 1.5, AS90975 1.6).

Possible context elaborations

Context elaborations are possible contexts for learning, with a suggestion of how they might be used with the focus achievement objectives.

The listed context elaborations are examples only. Teachers can select and use entirely different contexts in response to local situation, community relevance, and students’ interests and needs.

  • Personal identity: What messages do the lyrics of current favourite songs give teenagers about teenage identity and well-being?
  • Personal growth and development: How do media representations (for example, TV and advertising) influence the self-image, behaviour, attitudes, and values of teenagers?
  • Relationships: How does planning for safe parties support teenagers’ well-being?
  • Personal growth and development: What knowledge and skills are needed to develop a goal and action plan to: improve an aspect of personal well-being; implement a plan and monitor progress in achieving it; evaluate successes and failures; and identify areas for improvement?
  • Personal growth and development/relationships: How do life changes impact on each dimension of well-being? (Life changes could be health harming, such as injury or illness, health enhancing, such as healthy lifestyle changes, or changes that lead to differences, such as growth and maturation.)
  • Rights, responsibilities, and laws: How do laws such as those relating to the purchase and consumption of alcohol, smoke-free environments, or the age of consent for sexual activity, promote or undermine the well-being of teenagers and their communities?
  • Interpersonal skills: What problem-solving strategies are needed to manage conflict in a range of situations – when I own the problem, when someone else owns the problem, or when two people share the problem (for example, situations related to friendships and romantic relationships, drug and alcohol use, bullying, and so on)?
  • Community resources: How does our school promote the well-being of students with diverse cultural and family backgrounds and of students with diverse personal interests (arts, sports, and so on) and identities (gender, sexual orientation)? What recommendations would we make to school leaders about actions that could be taken to enhance well-being for the diverse students in our school?
  • People and the environment: Take individual, group, and collective action to improve an aspect of the school’s social, mental, and emotional or physical environment that will have an effect on well-being, for example, introducing safe-school practices related to bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
  • Identity, sensitivity, and respect: How will our class improve the way we work together? What safety guidelines and practices will we observe to ensure the safety and learning of everyone in the class?
  • Safety management: What knowledge, skills, and understanding do teenagers need to be able to respond assertively in a range of risky situations, for example, situations involving sexual pressure or pressure to drink or take other drugs?
  • Regular physical activity: Why do some young people achieve a balanced lifestyle, in relation to physical activity and healthy eating, while others do not?

Assessment for qualifications

Consider how student learning could be assessed using the health achievement standards. Consider alternative linkages between the achievement objectives and achievement standards.

  • AS90971 Health education 1.1 Take action to enhance an aspect of personal well-being; Internal, 3 credits
  • AS90972 Health education 1.2 Demonstrate understanding of influences on adolescent eating patterns to make health-enhancing recommendations; External, 4 credits
  • AS91097 Health education 1.3 Demonstrate understanding of ways in which well-being can change and strategies to support well-being; Internal, 4 credits
  • AS90973 Health education 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of interpersonal skills used to enhance relationships; Internal, 5 credits
  • AS90974 Health education 1.5 Demonstrate understanding of strategies for promoting positive sexuality; Internal, 4 credits
  • AS90975 Health education 1.6 Demonstrate understanding of issues to make health-enhancing decisions in drug-related situations; External, 4 credits

At the time of publication, achievement standards were in development to align them with The New Zealand Curriculum. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to the NZQA website.

The NZQA subject-specific resources pages are very helpful. From there, you can find all the achievement standards and links to assessment resources, both internal and external.

Learn more:

Aligned level 1 achievement standards were registered for use in 2011 and level 2 for use in 2012; level 3 will be registered for use in 2013.

Last updated August 28, 2020
