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Enhancing the relevance of new learning

New learning is strengthened by making connections between prior knowledge, broader mathematical and statistical knowledge, and the real world.

Examples of teacher actions that enhance the relevance of new learning:

  • exploring generalisations made by students
  • providing appropriate levels of challenge
  • encouraging students to explain their thinking
  • supporting students to connect concepts and applications
  • structuring mathematical discussion and argument (BES, p. 74)
  • using debate rather than assertion to resolve intellectual conflict (BES, p. 74)
  • using 'I can do/I understand' sheets
  • providing real-life problems in which the context is relevant to the student
  • allowing students to pose and answer their own problems and write stories for mathematical models.

Specific activities

Further information

  • YouTube: Everything is numbers, math is everywhere - Clip taken from the show Numb3rs that gives a quick explanation of the nature significance of math. Math is the real world, its everywhere. Example: The Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio.
  • Anthony, G., & Walshaw, M. (2009). Building on students’ thinking. Effective pedagogy in mathematics (pp. 11-12). Belley: Gonnet Imprimeur.
  • Anthony, G., & Walshaw, M. (2009). Mathematical language (pp. 21-22). Effective pedagogy in mathematics. Belley: Gonnet Imprimeur.
  • Anthony, G., & Walshaw, M. (2007). Effective pedagogy in pāngarau/mathematics: Best evidence synthesis iteration (BES) Wellington: Ministry of Education.

Last updated March 13, 2024
