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Achievement objectives

AOs: L6

AOs: L7

AOs: L8


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Achievement objectives: Level 6

Proficiency descriptor

Students can understand and produce more complex language. They can communicate beyond the immediate context, for example, past and future events. Students can understand and produce a variety of text types. 

Achievement objectives

The three communication objectives work together; the objectives for language knowledge and cultural knowledge support students’ communicative proficiency.


In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will:

  • communicate information, ideas, and opinions through different text types
  • express and respond to personal ideas and opinions
  • communicate appropriately in different situations.

Language knowledge

Students will:

  • understand ways in which the target language is organised for different purposes.

Cultural knowledge

Students will:

  • understand ways in which the target culture is organised for different purposes.

The step up from earlier levels

At levels 3 and 4, students are expected to understand and produce information and ideas and express and respond to personal needs and interests. The content and language of the communication is targeted at describing concrete aspects of their own background and immediate environment.

By the end of level 6, in addition to the above, students are expected to communicate information, ideas, and opinions and to express and respond to personal ideas and opinions. The content and language of the communication is now targeted beyond the immediate context to include appropriate expression of opinions using a variety of text types.

Possible context elaborations

A context is any situation, scenario, or activity that gives students the opportunity to interact or communicate using the target language. A context elaboration is an annotated text that has been created or generated in response to a particular situation, scenario, or activity. It may be, for example, the transcript of a spoken interaction. It may be productive or receptive. The annotations make links to the descriptor and achievement objectives and highlight language/cultural features.

The context elaborations provide examples of what is expected of students who are achieving at the specified level.

Assessment for qualifications

For information on NCEA achievement standards for learning languages, see Assessment for qualifications: Level 6.

Last updated January 20, 2017
