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Level 7 physical education

Achievement objectives

Achievement objectives from different strands can be woven together to set directions for teaching and learning programmes that lead to national qualifications.

Teachers will design programmes guided by The New Zealand Curriculum, that meet the unique learning needs, interests and strengths of their students and make sense of the many connections within and across these strands, and with learning in other areas.


Indicators are examples of the behaviours and capabilities that a teacher might expect to observe in a student who is achieving at the appropriate level. Teachers may wish to add further examples of their own.

The following indicators have links to level 7 achievement objectives for the appropriate strand (for example, A1, B1, C1, etc) and achievement standards (for example, AS1.1).

These indicators show what learning at level 7 could look like for students, and may include curriculum learning beyond what the achievement standards assess.

  • Examine one’s personal health and physical activity needs (A1; AS91327 2.1).
  • Develop opportunities for other students to become involved in physical activity to meet well-being needs (A1, B2; AS91327 2.1).
  • Manage responsible actions in challenging situations (A3; AS91333 2.7, AS91334 2.8).
  • Plan for and implement a physical activity programme, event, or opportunity (A1, A2; AS91328 2.2, AS91329 2.3, AS91330 2.4, AS91332 2.6, AS91333 2.7, AS91335 2.9).
  • Appraise, develop and share strategies to improve performance (B1, B2, B4, C3; AS91328 2.2, AS91329 2.3, AS91330 2.4, AS91332 2.6, AS91334 2.8).
  • Perform and develop movement and motor skills to nationally developed standards (B2, B2, B3; AS91330 2.4).
  • Apply relevant knowledge (for example, principles and methods of training) to improve performance (A2, B1, B3, C3; AS91328 2.2, AS91329 2.3, AS91330 2.4, AS91332 2.6 AS91336 2.10).
  • Demonstrate and develop effective leadership strategies within a physical activity and evaluate the application of interpersonal skills on the effective functioning of groups in physical activity (C1, C2, C3; AS91332 2.6, AS91333 2.7, AS91334 2.8, AS91335 2.9, AS91336 2.10).
  • Use critical thinking to analyse the impact of physical activity on self, others, and society, for example, local physical activity opportunities, school opportunities, and international events (A1, A4, D1; AS91331 2.5, AS91335 2.9).
  • Use critical thinking to consider how values shape beliefs and attitudes that may lead to anti-social behaviours in sport and the influence these can have on individuals and society (C2; AS91327 2.1).
  • Use critical thinking to examine, evaluate, and make a judgment on how well school and or community initiatives promote young people’s well-being (C2, D2; AS91331 2.5, AS91335 2.9).

Possible context elaborations

Context elaborations are possible contexts for learning, with a suggestion of how they might be used with the focus achievement objectives.

The listed context elaborations are examples only. Teachers can select and use entirely different contexts in response to the local situation, community relevance, and students’ interests and needs.

  • Personal growth and development/body image: Georgia is thin and does very little exercise. Her friends think she is fit because she is skinny. Use case study scenarios in class to explore the taken-for-granted assumptions (for example, fit and healthy = skinny).
  • Regular physical activity: The class is considering ways of funding an overseas sports trip and think that providing personal training programmes might be an option. Write training programmes to help people develop and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • Safety management: Practice leadership skills by applying risk management strategies in an outdoor setting, for example, a three-day tramp in the Tararua Ranges, Burma trail, low ropes course.
  • Identity, sensitivity, and respect: Set up a diversity club at school. Plan and run a sports club for athletes with disabilities.
  • Science and technology: The school website has a portal for sport. Use multimedia (such as an electronic portfolio) to help improve the performance of one team, over a period of time. Share the analysis of what has been achieved as a report on the website.
  • Relationships/movement skills: It is the inter-class dance competition. Demonstrate leadership strategies to choreograph an aerobics or dance routine for your class.
  • Positive attitudes: Year 10 students need to be motivated to participate in sport because it is not seen as ‘cool’. Create and introduce a new game, such as Quidditch, to a year group and analyse the effect on the school community.
  • Identity, sensitivity, and respect: The sports department has been granted money from a local trust for new uniforms. Present a seminar about the impact of fashion on sporting attire, persuading the department to adopt your ideas for new uniforms.
  • Interpersonal skills: Survey peers (interviews/questionnaires/focus groups) about the contribution physical activity can make to their well-being. Use the results to design lunchtime programmes that meet these student needs. Examples could include hip-hop routines or pre-season fitness classes. Share these programme ideas at year group forums.
  • Movement skills: Alex wants to help her friend improve her performance and make the inter-school champs. Apply and explain bio-mechanical principles to improve a rhythmic gymnastics routine for the friend.
  • Rights, responsibilities, and laws: Evaluate government policies in relation to recreation and sport that could increase young people’s participation.
  • People and the environment: The regional council is considering using a local facility for a multi-sport event. Work in groups to plan and prepare submissions for best use of the environment.

Assessment for qualifications

Consider how student learning could be assessed using the physical education achievement standards. Consider alternative linkages between the achievement objective and achievement standards.

  • AS91327 Physical education 2.1 Examine the role and significance of physical activity in the lives of young people in New Zealand; Internal, 3 credits.
  • AS91328 Physical education 2.2 Demonstrate understanding of how and why biophysical principles relate to the learning of physical skills; Internal, 5 credits.
  • AS91329 Physical education 2.3 Demonstrate understanding of the application of biophysical principles to training for physical activity; Internal, 4 credits.
  • AS91330 Physical education 2.4 Perform a physical activity in an applied setting; Internal, 4 credits.
  • AS91331 Physical education 2.5 Examine the significance for self, others and society of a sporting event, a physical activity, or a festival; Internal, 4 credits.
  • AS91332 Physical education 2.6 Evaluate leadership strategies that contribute to the effective functioning of a group; Internal, 4 credits.
  • AS91333 Physical education 2.7 Analyse the application of risk management strategies to a challenging outdoor activity; Internal, 3 credits.
  • AS91334 Physical education 2.8 Consistently demonstrate social responsibility through applying a social responsibility model in physical activity; Internal, 3 credits.
  • AS91335 Physical education 2.9 Examine the implementation and outcome(s) of a physical activity event or opportunity; Internal, 3 credits.
  • AS91336 Physical education 2.10 Analyse group processes in physical activity; Internal, 3 credits.

At the time of publication, achievement standards were in development to align them with The New Zealand Curriculum. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to the NZQA website.

The NZQA subject-specific resources pages are very helpful. From there, you can find all the achievement standards and links to assessment resources, both internal and external.

Learn more:

Aligned level 1 achievement standards were registered for use in 2011 and level 2 for use in 2012; level 3 will be registered for use in 2013.

Full information on the draft standards and the alignment process can be found on TKI: Alignment of NCEA standards with The New Zealand Curriculum.

Last updated May 9, 2022
