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Learning programme design

Schools and teachers will make their own decisions about planning and designing learning programmes to meet the diverse needs of their students. These decisions need to be aligned with The New Zealand Curriculum document.

There is a lot of flexibility in what schools can offer and there is no prescribed curriculum at any year level. NCEA supports this flexible approach to learning programme design.

In designing learning programmes, teachers should consider the big goals in mathematics and statistics for their students. They make links to the values, principles, and key competencies in The New Zealand Curriculum and consider carefully the pedagogy and assessment that they will use.

What are the big goals in mathematics and statistics?

  • Students thinking mathematically and statistically, and seeing the connections between them.
  • Keeping doors open for all students to do mathematics and statistics in future years.
  • Making mathematics and statistics real.
  • Recognising that mathematics and statistics underpin many other learning areas and making connections with these areas.
  • The place of mathematics and statistics within the qualification framework.

Other considerations

  • What comes next – next steps for learning?
  • Resources, equipment and technology
  • Numeracy requirement (for NCEA level 1, for University Entrance), within the assessment programme

How might you meet the diverse needs of the students in year 11?

Information that may be useful for planning purposes (for example, year 11)

Last updated August 27, 2020
