Learning programme design
Programme planning
The senior secondary technology programme describes what the school offers its year 11–13 students in this learning area. The programme should:
- support students to progress their technological literacy
- allow for multiple individual pathways for students towards tertiary
- trades
- employment
- be responsive to student interest, achievement, and identity
- optimise resources (teachers, space, and so on)
- identify links between courses to encourage connectedness and coherency.
The technology programme provides a framework for the development of technology courses.
Examples to be included after level 3 implementation.
Course planning
A technology course provides a one-year focus for teaching practice and student learning in a particular context or area of technology.
Courses in technology can offer learning opportunities that relate to achievement and learning objectives from any strand – both curriculum and specialist knowledge and skills.
A mix-and-match approach allows for courses to be developed and customised in flexible ways to best capture the interest of students and maximise learning in technology that connects to their physical, social, and cultural world and to their future aspirations.
A flexible approach also allows for best use of school resources (including teacher strengths) and resources in the wider community.
Learn more:
All technology courses should:
- identify intended knowledge, skills, and/or practice learning outcomes
- build on students’ prior knowledge, skills, and/or practices
- outline learning experiences and resources that would support student learning of intended knowledge, skills, and/or practices in ways that respond to student interest, identity, language, and culture
- identify opportunities for formative assessment that will support student progress toward achieving intended learning outcomes and provide feedback to modify learning experiences if required
- provide opportunity for all students to develop evidence that can assessed against standards (achievement and/or unit) that contribute to meaningful qualifications.
Last updated March 21, 2013