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Progression in home economics

As students progress from level 6 to level 8, they deepen their conceptual understandings by applying the ‘big ideas’ (key concepts) of home economics in a range of relevant contexts.

The underlying concepts of hauora, the socio-ecological perspective, health promotion, and attitudes and values, in combination, underpin all learning.

Students’ progress in senior home economics is demonstrated by evidence of widening perspectives, a deepening knowledge of concepts, practical skills, and enhanced interrelationships.

Students will develop their thinking, at first by considering concepts from personal perspectives, and broadening their understandings by reflecting on local and global viewpoints.

Level 6

At level 6, students identify and understand individual needs around food and nutrition, food safety, societal influences on food choices, and cultural diversity in food and nutrition choices. With teacher guidance, they develop and apply their knowledge and skills in practical situations.

Level 7

At level 7, students demonstrate understanding of family and local community issues affecting food and nutrition needs, across the life-span. They analyse attitudes and values affecting food choices and sustainable food practices. They work towards increasing independence in practical applications of their knowledge and cooking skills.

Level 8

At level 8, students investigate and evaluate wider community issues relating to food and nutrition and global forces affecting health promotion, food supply, and availability. They learn to develop strategies and take action to help address issues, applying their knowledge and skills in practical contexts.

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Last updated November 28, 2011
