Summative assessment occurs AFTER learning
What this looks like in mathematics and statistics
Summative assessment enables teachers, students, and whānau to gain an indication of student achievement at an appropriate point in time. This maybe at the end of a unit of work, at the end of a term, or in an end of year examination.
Specific activities
Have you thought of:
- portfolios of work
- e-portfolios of work
- end of unit written test
- rich task that students work on over multiple class sessions
- students design a webpage, PowerPoint, or poster showing their learning
- making an e-mind map of a topic
- making a video or creative work of art showing their learning, for example,
YouTube: Mathematicious - video of student learning. A mathematical parody of Fergie's Fergalicious.
- NCEA assessment on TKI and NZQA.
Further information
Assessment Online – Covers the key aspects of assessment in the context of The New Zealand Curriculum.
Assessment Resource Bank – mathematics – The Assessment Resource Banks (ARBs) are collections of classroom assessment resources in English, mathematics, and science. They are developed by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research under contract to the Ministry of Education. They are aligned to the New Zealand curriculum statements in English, mathematics, and Science at levels 2 to 5. ARBs are intended to support classroom assessment for learning within New Zealand schools. Many of the resources include support for teaching and learning discussions. ARBs consist of tasks for students to complete, a teacher information page, and, in some cases, have examples of students' work and include a broad range of assessment tasks.
- Stenmark, J. K. (Ed.). (1991). Mathematics assessment: myths, models, good questions and practical suggestions. Berkely, California: NCTM.
- EQUALS. (1989). Assessment alternatives in mathematics. Berkely, California: Lawrence Hall of Science.
- Department of Education. (1988). Assessment ideas in mathematics. Wellington, New Zealand: Government Print
- Clarke, D. (1992). Assessment alternatives in mathematics. Canberra, Australia: Curriculum Corporation.
Last updated March 22, 2023