Learning programme design
Agribusiness programmes at levels 7 or 8 are based around realistic and practical contexts and provide students with the opportunity to develop skills and concepts to explore agribusiness issues and to communicate their ideas to others.
Agribusiness students develop the skills of planning, investigating, designing, drawing, model-making and capabilities in using digital tools and processes. They use creativity, logic, knowledge and problem solving to find innovative solutions to real-life problems, necessary for New Zealand to remain competitive in local, regional and international markets.
Learning programmes in Agribusiness aim to build:
- understanding of the scientific, economic and technological principles used in Agribusiness that ensure economic, social, ethical, cultural and environmentally sustainable primary production systems and secondary products and services linked to the primary sector
- the ability to apply economic, social, ethical, cultural and environmental considerations to primary and secondary production systems to ensure marketable, environmentally sustainable products and services.
There are three ways in which teachers could develop their programme of learning or to make up their level 2 and 3 Agribusiness courses:
- Teach the complete Agribusiness learning area in a level 2 and/or 3 Agribusiness programme as standalone courses.
- Teach individual unit of works from the level 2 and/or 3 Agribusiness learning area within their own existing courses.
- Teach individual unit of works from other domains (that is, Geography, Science, Accounting etc) that have been re-contextualised into new Agribusiness contexts into an Agribusiness programme or in to their own existing courses.
Example of a level 2 programme of learning using Agribusiness achievement standards
| Demonstrate understanding of future proofing in business.
Science and Technology
| Conduct an inquiry into the use of organisms to meet future needs.
Management and Finance
| Demonstrate understanding of cash flow forecasting for a business. Demonstrate understanding of a primary industry business structure that meets the strategic needs of a business.
| Conduct market research for a new or existing product.
Example of a level 3 programme of learning using Agribusiness achievement standards
| Analyse future proofing strategies to ensure long-term viability of a business.
Science and Technology
| Demonstrate understanding of food science in an agribusiness context.
Management and Finance
| Analyse the effect of a strategic capital expenditure decision on a business.
| Analyse how a product meets market needs through innovation in the value chain. Develop a marketing plan for a new or existing product.
Example of a level 2 programme of learning using re-contextualised achievement standards
| Demonstrate understanding of the nature of technological outcomes.
Science and Technology
| Explain how human activity in a biophysical environment has consequences for a sustainable future. Demonstrate understanding of how management practices influence plant growth and development in NZ commercial production.
Management and Finance
| Demonstrate understanding of a contemporary accounting issue for decision-making.
| Conduct market research for a new or existing product.
Example of a level 3 programme of learning using re-contextualised achievement standards
| Investigate a technological innovation in New Zealand agribusiness.
Science and Technology
| Demonstrate understanding of food science in an agribusiness context.
Management and Finance
| Present a agribusiness strategy and pitch to produce and sell an agri-innovation product.
| Analyse a significant agrimarketing event.
Last updated December 15, 2017