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Resources and pathways

The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)

  • Follow links to the National Qualifications Framework, NCEA, and subject achievement standards. 

TKI assessment community – Assessment Online

This site is home to a considerable body of research and readings, online workshops, and new assessment tools and resources. For example, it provides links to asTTle (Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning) and NEMP (the National Education Monitoring Project).

  • The linked site Consider the evidence promotes evidence-driven decision making for secondary schools and supports secondary educators to make best use of evidence to improve student achievement.
  • For a discussion of how changes in assessment practice can contribute to greater student ownership of learning and improved outcomes for students, see Directions for Assessment in New Zealand, a report by Michael Absolum, Lester Flockton, 
John Hattie, 
Rosemary Hipkins, and 
Ian Reid (also available as a Word or PDF file).

Horticultural and Agricultural Teachers Association (HATA) website

  • The Horticulture and Agriculture Teachers Association of New Zealand (HATA) is a subject association dedicated to improving the teaching and promoting the New Zealand secondary subject Horticulture and Agriculture nationally.
  • HATA encourages, supports and shares information about curriculum, teaching and learning, through the running of biennial conferences, managing a website (hata.nz), publishing quarterly newsletters and regular communication with their members.

Young Enterprise Trust

  • Young Enterprise Trust’s principle objective is to promote an enterprise culture amongst New Zealand school students. A new website is being developed. Current areas focus on financial education and enterprise studies.

Last updated September 14, 2020
