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Level 6 and 7 snapshots

Learning programme design

Level 6/7 snapshots

Health ed snapshots:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Physical ed snapshots:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Home economics snapshots:

1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6

Combined HPE and home economics snapshots

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Level 6 and 7 learning programme design snapshots

Snapshots that will guide teachers' thinking and planning at levels 6 and 7. 

Learn more about the  lengthy consultation process for this phase of the SSTLG writing development.

These snapshots were designed by teachers to capture specific ideas or contexts to support the learning of diverse students. They are intended to highlight an aspect or context, not to provide a model or a plan for others to follow. Each snapshot captures just part of what the teacher did. The range of snapshots, over the three subject areas, will support teachers to rethink their programme planning and delivery. However, it is advisable to look across all three subjects within the learning area as other subjects may inspire your planning. The Teaching as Inquiry process (NZ Curriculum, 2007, p.35) was adopted to guide teachers when considering the context and the content for student learning. 

The messages that made us think:

  • Achievement standards are assessment tools not units of work.
  • Teaching as inquiry provides a framework from which to consider programme development.
  • Consider student voice, contribution, and student needs in terms of programme planning.
  • Programmes that spiral and scaffold from year 9 to 13 provide coherence and transference to support student learning.
  • Provide pathways for learning. 

Snapshot format:

  1. Inquiry (or rationale for learning context/content). 
  2. Focusing inquiry – What is important and worth spending time on given where my students are at, what they know, where you are taking them? 
  3. Teaching inquiry – What strategies are most likely to help my students learn? 
  4. Achievement objectives that could be used as a basis to develop learning intentions.
  5. Possible assessment links to achievement standards.
  6. Learning inquiry (action taken) – What happened as a result of the teaching, and what are the implications for future teaching?
  7. Learn more (extended learning for teachers and students).

Further ideas for learning contexts could come from each subject’s ‘possible contexts elaborations’ found in the guidelines at each level:

Health education snapshots level 6 and 7 

  • Snapshot 1
    How to approach the overall design and planning of a whole year course.
  • Snapshot 2
    How an overall theme (‘change’) could be used to focus the planning of units across NZC levels 6/7.
  • Snapshot 3
    Focusing on the context of change and how this steps up across levels (6/7) to build in more conceptual depth, and ways community resources might be used in programmes.
  • Snapshot 4
    How personal and interpersonal skills at level 6 can be incorporated across a programme, rather than be taught as a separate unit.
  • Snapshot 5
    How to approach an ‘analysis’ (required to meet the learning expectations at level 7).
  • Snapshot 6
    How to conceptually step up aspects of a sexuality education programme from levels 6 to 7. 

Physical education snapshots level 6 and 7

  • Snapshot 1
    Guides teachers to think about co-constructing learning contexts with students.
  • Snapshot 2
    Focuses on creating an effective classroom culture in year 11 (level 6).
  • Snapshot 3
    How to develop a year long year 11 programme.
  • Snapshot 4
    Emphasises the importance to learn through the practical (level 7).
  • Snapshot 5
    Uses a critical analysis process to investigate an event or issue.
  • Snapshot 6
    Considers the theory versus practical dilemma and suggests ways to combine both.
  • Snapshot 7
    Provides ideas for using digital technologies as learning tools at year 12.
  • Snapshot 8
    Uses social media (Facebook) to engage with student learning.
  • Snapshot 9
    Focuses on scaffolding learning into a year 12 unit.
  • Snapshot 10
    Uses a pepeha to guide student understanding about themselves and their culture.

Home economics snapshots level 6 and 7 

  • Snapshot 1
    Guidance for teachers on how to plan a year’s programme around individual student need with a combination of home economics/hospitality/Gateway/physical education.
  • Snapshot 2
    A themed approach for a year 12 programme to provide a sense of unity and purpose.
  • Snapshot 3
    Highlights that practical work underpins the teaching and learning of home economics.
  • Snapshot 4
    A student focussed unit called “Eating Well”. Its focus is to engage students in an authentic and relevant context with strong connections to their cultural capital and community.
  • Snapshot 5
    Uses a resource as a trigger. It provides a range of teaching approaches to develop higher order thinking using a variety of relevant resources.
  • Snapshot 6
    Builds language and literacy skills to successfully navigate and achieve level 6 home economics.

Combined health, physical education and home economics snapshots

Last updated September 27, 2013
