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Know your students, subject, and pedagogy

Know your students

All good programme design starts with the students.

Teachers who know their students well know what their students know, what their aspirations are, and what they will find relevant or interesting. This puts them in a strong position to assess what physical education, health education, or home economics might contribute to their lives. This provides in turn a strong foundation for programme design.

Learn more:

Know your subject

To design effective programmes, teachers need in-depth knowledge of their subject and ideas for appropriate learning contexts.

Check your understanding and identify further professional learning you may need:

Know what is effective pedagogy

What does effective pedagogy in The New Zealand Curriculum look like in relation to HPE? 

What learning behaviours ( key competencies) are essential in HPE?

See  Health and physical education - Tāhūrangi.

Know your school context

How does the health, physical education, and home economics learning area connect into the wider school curriculum?

What is the ethnic and socio-economic make-up of your school?

How do your departmental vision and goals reflect the school’s vision and goals and shape the learning programmes that you design?

How do your school’s vision and goals require learning to connect with parents, whānau, and the wider community?

What practical considerations, such as environment, facilities, equipment, and time constraints, provide opportunities for programme design?

What school policies (relating, for example, to education outside the classroom) encourage or limit the learning experiences you are able to offer?

See also:

Last updated March 13, 2024
