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Key terms

Technology|Hangarau learning area is the body of skills, knowledge and capabilities which are important to learning in Technology or Hangarau.

The learning area statement explains the fundamental ideas, concepts and purpose which underpin learning in this Technology and Hangarau Learning Area. This statement tells you what the Technology and Hangarau learning areas are about, why you would study Technology or Hangarau, and how Technology and Hangarau are structured.

Technological areas are the contexts for learning in Technology.
These include two technological areas tied specifically to Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko (Computational Thinking for Digital Technologies, and Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes).

Progress outcomes show the significant learning steps as learners develop expertise in a technological area over the course of their primary and secondary education.

Outcome statements identify the knowledge, capabilities and attitudes we expect learners to have developed by the end of year 10 and the end of year 13.

Achievement objectives identify learning at each curriculum level in the non-digital areas of the Technology and Hangarau Learning Areas. We are using Progress Outcomes to describe learning in Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko.

Last updated March 21, 2018
