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Curriculum integration
These video snapshots introduce you to some of the schools around New Zealand who taken an integrated approach to their local curriculum design. They may be useful to help guide your own planning should you wish to adopt an integrated approach.
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Curriculum integration at Alfriston College
Alfriston College is one of the earliest modern learning environments in New Zealand. Staff and students share their approach to using flexible spaces and planning project-based learning that is relevant to the real world and framed under a “driving question”.
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Curriculum integration at Kelston Girls' College
Kelston Girls’ College is a single-sex, state secondary school in West Auckland, moving to modernise both their physical environment and their teaching and learning design. They see the power of teaching in a way where "everything is connected so that it’s meaningful and relevant". They are exploring how integrated learning can support their vision to have a future-focused curriculum.
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Curriculum integration at Rolleston College
One of Christchurch’s new flexible learning spaces, Rolleston College envisions the power of bringing all the different elements of learning together through curriculum integration, focusing on learning first and assessment second. They combine integrated learning with mastery: understanding the importance of subject specialism as well as an, "overall goal for the student so they know the direction of the learning and how that brings those subjects together into one journey".
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Curriculum integration at Spotswood College
The only co-educational school in the wider New Plymouth area, Spotswood College began to revise their timetable and introduce integrated courses in 2019. Integrating subjects such as physics and music gives students a chance to see how concepts relate to the real world. Staff and students discuss some of the benefits and challenges they are facing as they adopt an integrated approach to teaching and learning.
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Curriculum integration at Tai Wananga
Giving life to learning and purpose to life.
At Tai Wananga Tu Toa in Palmerston North, they understand that effective learning is driven by passion, and self-belief. Project based learning at Tai Wananga is built on inquiry, which gives students the, ‘skills and attributes to find solutions,’ and become life-long learners. Learning is driven by projects first, rather than subjects, and student choice ensures meaningful engagement.
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The videos were developed by a group of teachers and school leaders who participated in a Ministry organised forum in 2019. They not intended to promote any particular approach, nor do they necessarily reflect the Ministry’s views of teaching and learning design.
Last updated September 23, 2020