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Connections across the curriculum

Agribusiness is a cross-curricular programme that connects learning across science, technology, mathematics and statistics, social sciences, business studies, economics, and geography to understand how producers choose to use technical knowledge and limited resources such as land, labour, capital and management to produce primary and secondary products and distribute them for consumption to different people over time. 

Contexts for learning will be chosen by schools for their relevance and utility, and their teaching will be focussed on long-term, valued outcomes, particularly desired outcomes of many employers in the agribusiness sector.

Learning programmes in Agribusiness aim to build:

  • an understanding of the scientific, economic and technological principles used in Agribusiness that ensure economic, social, ethical, cultural and environmentally sustainable primary production systems and secondary products and services linked to the primary sector
  • the ability to apply economic, social, ethical, cultural and environmental considerations to primary and secondary production systems to ensure marketable, environmentally sustainable value added products and services.

By Agribusiness being cross-curricular ensures that conceptual understanding is gained, is more relevant, and is able to be linked better to other learning areas, ensuring a well-rounded educated student.

Progression in agribusiness

Agribusiness addresses the same concepts at levels 7 and 8 of the NZC. The development of conceptual understanding is cumulative as students return to the same concepts in different contexts throughout their learning. As students’ progress through levels 7–8, they demonstrate their increasing understanding as they:

  • make connections between the strands
  • make connections between the range of learning areas including Science, Technology, Social sciences, and Mathematics and statistics
  • use more complex and abstract Agribusiness concepts
  • apply and transfer their understandings to different agribusinesses and to more complex and distant contexts, as well as to those that are familiar
  • problem solve and future proof in increasingly sophisticated and innovative ways
  • advocate for sustainable policies and methodologies in all agribusinesses, and
  • take responsible actions and make informed decisions that are based on their new understandings.

Last updated December 15, 2017
