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Health and physical education

Version date: 27 September 2013
Key changes: Version 3
Subject facilitator email: seniorsecondary@tki.org.nz

What's new - September 2013

Learning programme design - level 6 and 7 snapshots:

  • Health education snapshots level 6 and 7
  • Physical education snapshots level 6 and 7
  • Home economics snapshots level 6 and 7
  • Combined health, physical education and home economics snapshots

What is the health and physical education learning area about?
Health and physical education.

Health and physical education

He oranga ngakau, he pikanga waiora.

Positive feelings in your heart will enhance your sense of self-worth.

The health and physical education learning area is about taking action to enhance well-being. It encompasses three different but related subjects – health education, physical education, and home economics – with a shared conceptual framework and achievement objectives.

Students learn that well-being is a combination of the physical, mental and emotional, and social and spiritual aspects of people’s lives. They learn to think critically and to make meaning of the world around them by exploring health-related and movement contexts. They learn how to bring about sustainable health-enhancing change for individuals, communities, and society.

The seven key areas of learning included in teaching and learning programmes at both primary and secondary levels are:

  • mental health
  • sexuality education
  • food and nutrition
  • body care and physical safety
  • physical activity
  • sport studies
  • outdoor education.

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Last updated May 10, 2022
