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What is home economics about?

In home economics, students develop an understanding of the factors that influence the well-being of individuals and families within the home and community and of the actions people take to enhance and sustain those environments.

In the context of food and nutrition, students evaluate current issues and theories of nutrition, identify and reflect on factors that influence people’s choices and behaviours, and use this knowledge to make informed decisions.

Through the processes of selecting, preparing, cooking, and serving food, students develop their creativity and experience a sense of accomplishment. At the same time, they develop personal and interpersonal understandings and skills that contribute to well-being.

Many teachers of home economics are also teachers of food technology and hospitality. Food technology is focused on developing knowledge and skills about the use of living organisms and ingredients to process, preserve, pack, and store products.

Learn more about technology –  NZ Senior Secondary Curriculum Guide: Technology.

Hospitality is focused on the preparation, production, and service of food in a commercial environment. The Hospitality Standards Institute is the industry-led training organisation (ITO) that develops and monitors NZQA unit standards and qualifications for the hospitality industry.

Learn more about ServiceIQ (the industry training organisation (ITO) for the aviation, hospitality, retail, travel, tourism and museums sectors). 

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Last updated September 24, 2019
