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Learning objectives

The New Zealand Curriculum does not state specific achievement objectives for business studies at levels 6–8. Learning objectives have been developed to describe the intended outcomes for this subject.


The learning objectives for business studies integrate the  key concepts with the four social science learning area strands:

  • The economic world
  • Identity, culture, and organisation
  • Place and environment
  • Continuity and change

Business studies themes

Teaching and learning programmes are designed around five business themes that encompass business knowledge, content, and concepts:

  • Business formation
  • Functions of business
  • People in business
  • Business management
  • Business environment

For more, see:

Progression in business studies

Business studies addresses the same concepts at levels 6, 7, and 8. The development of conceptual understanding is cumulative as students return to the same concepts in different contexts throughout their learning. We can see that students are learning when:

  • their understanding and use of more complex or abstract business studies concepts increases
  • they make connections between different business studies concepts
  • they apply and transfer their understandings to more complex and distant contexts, as well as to those that are familiar
  • they take responsible actions and make informed decisions that are based on their new understandings
  • they begin to understand that business concepts can have different interpretations.

Learning objectives

Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to:

Level 6

  • LO 6-1: Understand how, as a result of internal and external factors, small business owners make operational decisions that have consequences for the success of their business.
  • LO 6-2: Plan, carry out, and then review a one-off business activity, basing recommendations for the future on market feedback.

Level 7

  • LO 7-1Explore how and why large businesses in New Zealand make operational decisions in response to internal and external factors.
  • LO 7-2Plan, take to market, review, and then refine a business activity incorporating a community well-being focus, basing recommendations for the future on market feedback.

Level 8

  • LO 8-1Analyse how and why New Zealand businesses operating in global markets make operational and strategic decisions in response to interacting internal and external factors.
  • LO 8-2Plan, take to market, review, and then refine an innovative, sustainable business activity; analyse the activity and its success in the market place.

Last updated February 5, 2015
