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How is the learning area structured?

The New Zealand Curriculum specifies three strands for the learning area technology:

  • Technological practice
  • Technological knowledge
  • Nature of technology

The three technology strands and eight components set the direction for learning in technology at curriculum levels 6, 7, and 8.

In addition, there are six specialist strands with 29 components.

Together, the curriculum strands and components and the specialist strands and components support students to develop technological literacy.

Achievement and learning objectives

Achievement objectives are described for the eight components defined under the three technology curriculum strands. Achievement objectives describe what students should understand or be able to do at curriculum levels 6, 7, and 8.

Learning objectives are defined for the 29 specialist knowledge and skill components. Learning objectives describe what students should understand or be able to do, with respect to specialist knowledge and skills at curriculum levels 6, 7, and 8.

It is important that students and teachers recognise and make sense of the many connections within and across the technology achievement and learning objectives.

Indicators of progression

Indicators of progression have been developed for the technology achievement objectives.

Draft indicators of progression have been written for the technology learning objectives.

The indicators of progression describe the nature of expected student learning for the achievement and learning objectives.

The indicators of progression also provide teacher guidance and highlight the importance of the teacher’s role in supporting student learning.

The teacher guidance acknowledges how teaching approaches need to be adjusted to ensure that students take increasing responsibility for their learning. The following terms are used to denote a shift in responsibilities from teacher to student:

  • “Provide” is used when the teacher needs to take full responsibility for introducing and explicitly teaching new knowledge, skills, or practices.
  • “Guide” is used when the teacher assumes students will have some level of understanding and competency to draw from, but continues to take the bulk of responsibility for developing these understandings.
  • “Support” is used when the balance shifts towards the student taking more responsibility, drawing from their past learning to consolidate and extend their understandings. The teacher plays a more supportive role by questioning and challenging students to extend their thinking.

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Indicators (descriptive indicators, as used in the other teaching and learning guides) are examples of specific behaviours and capabilities that a teacher might expect to observe in a student who is achieving at the appropriate level. Teachers may wish to add further examples of their own.

Last updated October 7, 2013
