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Teaching as inquiry

The New Zealand Curriculum recognises that teaching is a cyclical process in which teachers plan strategically, teach, and then modify their teaching in order to better achieve the desired learning.

Questions for teachers

NZC - Teaching as inquiry diagram.

Teaching as inquiry diagram

If you cannot view or read this diagram, select this link to open a text version.

Teachers need to be constantly asking themselves:

  • where their students are at in their learning
  • how they can help them progress
  • how their teaching impacts on the learning of their students.

Here are three key questions:

  • What should I teach next? (a focusing inquiry)
  • How should I teach it? (a teaching inquiry)
  • What happened as a result, and what are the implications? (a learning inquiry)

All programming needs to allow the teacher sufficient flexibility to make changes in response to opportunities, student needs, and evidence that something is not working.

An adaptation of the teaching as inquiry cycle for teachers of te reo Māori is to be found in The Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools: Years 1-13. This cycle could be further adapted for use by teachers of other languages.

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Last updated January 28, 2011
