Spanish L8: Context elaborations
Students are expected to engage with and respond clearly and critically to a variety of extended texts, including authentic texts (those not created or modified specifically for language learners). They are expected to use the language more variably (flexibly) and with greater effectiveness (fitness for purpose and appropriateness), at times in sustained interactions and extended texts. They are expected to explore the views of others, develop and share personal perspectives, and justify, support, or challenge ideas and opinions in different situations and on matters that are beyond their immediate experience. In all their output, it is expected that students will use their developing knowledge of linguistic and cultural forms to help them create meaning.
The following context elaborations are examples for teacher guidance only. They should not be used as assessment tools.
Example 1: Facebook response to article on oil spill
Acabo de leer este artículo sobre el vertido de petróleo en la costa pacífica y la reacción del gobierno chileno. Me sorprende la actitud que ha adoptado para resolver el problema de limpieza. Pienso que hasta ahora no está actuando con la urgencia necesaria. En mi opinión, el proceso está siendo lento debido a que no están escuchando los consejos de los expertos y desgraciadamente la población no está prestando su ayuda. Ojalá que hubiesen tomado las medidas necesarias, ya que es mortificante ver las fotos del impacto que ha producido en la fauna y la pesca. Si esto hubiese ocurrido en la costa neozelandesa tengo la seguridad de que el pueblo neozelandés, sin duda, habría ofrecido su ayuda sin pensarlo dos veces.
Context and text type
Nila writes an entry in her Spanish page on Facebook in response to an article she has read about an oil spill in Chile.
Text type
Opinion piece, written, sem-formal. Productive.
Examples showing how the student is:
Communicating information, ideas, and opinions through extended and varied texts
The text introduces abstract topics (response to a crisis) and ethical issues (what is right in the circumstances).
Nila is critical of the responses made to the spill in Chile and predicts what would happen in New Zealand:
- si esto hubiese ocurrido …
She uses particular expressions to show that she is communicating her opinion; for example:
- Me sorprende, pienso que, en mi opinión.
Nila uses a simple sentence pattern:
- Acabo de leer este artículo sobre el vertido de petróleo en la costa pacífica y la reacción del gobierno chileno.
She also uses compound sentence patterns to express her concerns; for example:
- Ojalá que hubiesen tomado las medidas necesarias, ya que es mortificante ver las fotos del impacto que ha producido en la fauna y la pesca.
Exploring the views of others
Nila expresses surprise at the attitude of the Chilean government:
- Me sorprende la actitud que ha adoptado para resolver el problema de limpieza.
She is critical of the government’s slow response to the oil spill:
- Pienso que hasta ahora no está actuando con la urgencia necesaria.
By voicing her surprise and criticism, she invites readers to consider her views and, by implication, to think about their own views.
Developing and sharing personal perspectives
Nila uses the expression 'En mi opinión' to signal a personal perspective.
She expresses her ideas and opinions coherently:
- Pienso que hasta ahora no está actuando con la urgencia necesaria.
She puts forward persuasive arguments:
- Si esto hubiese ocurrido en la costa neozelandesa tengo la seguridad de que el pueblo neozelandés, sin duda, habría ofrecido su ayuda sin pensarlo dos veces.
Justifying own ideas and opinions
Nila explains why she thinks the cleaning up process is too slow:
- el proceso está siendo lento debido a que no están escuchando los consejos de los expertos y desgraciadamente la población no está prestando su ayuda.
Supporting or challenging the ideas and opinions of others
Nila challenges the ideas of others by expressing surprise and giving her own opinion:
- me sorprende / pienso que no está actuando …
She invokes visual images, knowing that readers will have seen such photos of other environmental disasters:
- … ya que es mortificante ver las fotos del impacto que ha producido en la fauna y la pesca.
Engaging in sustained interactions and producing extended texts
Nila uses various linking expressions to extend the text:
- En mi opinión, debido a que … y desgraciadamente … Si esto hubiese ocurrido …
Nila develops her ideas logically and coherently, stating the issue, describing her reactions to it and the following events, and comparing how New Zealanders would have responded to such an event.
Exploring how linguistic meaning is conveyed across languages
A characteristic feature is the use of linking expressions to maintain the flow of ideas while changing the language:
- Pienso que … en mi opinion … ojalá que … sin duda.
By referring to photos ('ya que es mortificante ver las fotos del impacto que ha producido en la fauna y la pesca'), Nila directs attention to images kept in the global memory bank of the horrific impacts of oil spills on sea creatures, birds, and coasts.
Opportunities for developing intercultural communicative competence
Investigate how New Zealanders have responded to recent disasters and compare this with how the people of a Hispanic country have responded to a recent disaster.
Examine equivalent texts in English and Spanish, identify the link expressions, compare and contrast their nature and use.
Last updated October 7, 2013