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Achievement objective S8-2

In a range of meaningful contexts, students will be engaged in thinking mathematically and statistically. They will solve problems and model situations that require them to:

  • Make inferences from surveys and experiments:
    • A. determining estimates and confidence intervals for means, proportions, and differences, recognising the relevance of the central limit theorem
    • B. using methods such as resampling or randomisation to assess the strength of evidence.


Note: there are significant changes here in approach and content.

The approach to teaching confidence intervals may be entirely based on a  resampling simulation using technology.

A. Determining estimates and confidence intervals for means, proportions, and differences, recognising the relevance of the central limit theorem.

  • Within the context of an investigation and statistical plots of observed data:
    • determines and interprets confidence intervals in a range of situations (eg: the difference of means or medians) and draws relevant conclusions with justification 

B. Using methods such as resampling or randomisation to assess the strength of evidence:


S8-2 links from S7-2.

Possible context elaborations

  • CensusAtSchool is a valuable website for classroom activities and information for teachers on all things statistics.
  • In an experiment, students are randomly assigned to sit or stand treatments. Does the pulse rate of the students who are standing tend to be higher than that of those who are sitting?
  • In a well-designed sample survey, a random sample of year 13 students in New Zealand was asked many questions about their lifestyle. Investigate: What proportion of year 13 students eats breakfast at least five times a week back in the population? Is there an association between year 13 students eating breakfast at least five times a week and their perception of whether they have a healthy lifestyle?

Assessment for qualifications

NCEA achievement standards at levels 1, 2 and 3 have been aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to the NZQA website.

The NZQA subject-specific resources pages are very helpful. From there, you can find all the achievement standards and links to assessment resources, both internal and external.

The following achievement standard(s) could assess learning outcomes from this AO:

Last updated September 17, 2018
