Achievement objective GM6-1
In a range of meaningful contexts, students will be engaged in thinking mathematically and statistically. They will solve problems and model situations that require them to:
- measure at a level of precision appropriate to the task.
- Selects and uses appropriate units for measuring tasks.
- Identifies limits of accuracy for a measurement.
- Uses estimates sensibly.
- Understands the effect of the accuracy of a measurement on subsequent calculations, for example, measuring lengths and using these to find areas and volumes.
- Makes links to appropriate units
- See
key mathematical ideas on NZmaths.
GM6-1 links to
Possible context elaborations
Assessment for qualifications
NCEA achievement standards at level 1, 2 and 3 have been aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to the
NZQA website.
The following achievement standard(s) could assess learning outcomes from this AO.
Last updated September 17, 2018