NCEA assessment: Level 2
At the time of publication, philosophy does not have subject-specific achievement standards, but learning can be assessed using standards from other domains. These include but are not limited to the standards listed below. For more information, see the
NZAPT website.
Examples are given for assessment of full-year courses, using a combination of unit and achievement standards at curriculum levels 6, 7, and 8, sourced from social studies, art history, classical studies, English, mathematics, religious studies, and science.
When achievement standards for philosophy are available, this guide will reference them.
Suggested achievement and unit standards
The achievement and unit standards listed are all internally assessed unless stated otherwise.
Note: The following achievement and unit standards are all NCEA level 2 and internally assessed.
AS90274 (4 credits)
Social studies Describe responses to values position(s).
| Ethics, philosophy of religion, political philosophy
AS90273 (6 credits)
Social studies Conduct an advanced social studies inquiry.
| Ethics, philosophy of religion, political philosophy
AS90381 (3 credits)
English Investigate a language or literature topic and present information in written form.
| Topic of choice, for example, free will and determinism
AS90376 (3 credits)
English Produce crafted and developed formal transactional writing.
| Topic of choice
(2 credits)
English Promote discussion of ideas and develop the content of discussion.
| Topic of choice, for example, metaphysics
AS90823 (6 credits)
Religious studies Explain the significance of a key belief within two religious traditions.
| Philosophy of religion, for example, concept of God in Christianity and Hinduism
US5825 (4 credits)
History Explain the influence of a historical force.
| Philosophy of history
US6351 (4 credits)
Science Report on the historical development of a scientific idea, with supervision.
| Philosophy of science
US5940 (3 credits)
Generic computing Produce a presentation using a desktop computer application.
| Topic of choice
Before using, check that you have the correct version.
At the time of publication, achievement standards were in development to align them with The New Zealand Curriculum. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to the
NZQA website.
Aligned level 1 achievement standards were registered for use in 2011 and level 2 for use in 2012; level 3 will be registered for use in 2013.
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Last updated August 18, 2015