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Learning objectives



Philosophical perspectives

Applied philosophy

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Learning objective 8-3: Philosophical perspectives

Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to:

  • analyse and evaluate ideas in philosophical perspectives.


  • Analyses a range of ideas in different philosophical perspectives.
  • Evaluates a range of ideas in different philosophical perspectives.

Possible context elaborations

Analyse, question, and evaluate the important ideas found in different philosophical perspectives; for example:

  • Can you harm someone if they do not know they have been harmed? (For example, If you go out with your friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend without your friend finding out, have you hurt your friend?)
  • Can you harm the dead, for example, by forging a Picasso?
  • Can a pile of rubbish be art?
  • Is abortion unfair towards the unborn? Always, or never?
  • Do we share responsibility for the wrongs of our ancestors? (Consider Andrew Sharp’s work, Justice and the Māori.)
  • Is killing a human being always wrong? (Consider self-defence, war, capital punishment.)
  • Do I have a responsibility for future generations? (For example, in the way I treat the environment?)
  • Can we know the limits of reality?

Assessment for qualifications

See NCEA assessment: level 3 for suggestions of achievement standards and unit standards that could be used to assess this learning.

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Last updated October 24, 2011
