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Learning objectives



Philosophical perspectives

Applied philosophy

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Learning objective 6-1: Inquiry

Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to:

  • identify and describe philosophical ideas.


  • Identifies the main problems in different philosophical questions.
  • Describes different perspectives when discussing philosophical ideas.

Possible context elaborations

  • Class or group discussion of a list of philosophical questions; for example:
    • Are we really free?
    • Can you love animals and yet eat them?
    • Who owns the All Blacks?
    • Can anyone own the land or the seabed?
    • Who owns language?
    • What is time? How real is time?
  • Use current event news items and identify philosophical ideas arising from them; for example:
    • Is it OK for parents to use physical force to discipline their children?
    • Should the drinking age be increased/lowered?
    • Should New Zealand take more immigrants?
    • To what extent are our behaviour and thoughts determined by friends and family?
    • Should te reo be compulsory for all students?
    • Are you Māori if you don’t speak te reo?
  • Adopt a position and discuss it; for example:
    • ‘I am just a material object’ or ‘I have a spiritual dimension’
    • ‘I am determined by my DNA and personal history’ or ‘I am free to determine my own future’
    • ‘All questions will eventually be answered by science’ or ‘there are important questions that science will never be able to answer’.

Assessment for qualifications

See NCEA assessment: level 1 for suggestions of achievement standards and unit standards that could be used to assess this learning.

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Last updated October 24, 2011
