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Philosophical perspectives

Applied philosophy

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NCEA assessment: Level 1

At the time of publication, philosophy does not have subject-specific achievement standards, but learning can be assessed using standards from other domains. These include but are not limited to the standards listed below. For more information, see the NZAPT website.

Examples are given for assessment of full-year courses, using a combination of unit and achievement standards at curriculum levels 6, 7, and 8, sourced from social studies, art history, classical studies, English, mathematics, religious studies, and science.

When achievement standards for philosophy are available, this guide will reference them.

Suggested achievement and unit standards

Note: The following achievement and unit standards are all NCEA level 1 and internally assessed unless stated otherwise.
Standards Domain/description Can be applied to
 (4 credits)
Social studies
Explain differing values positions.
Ethics/political philosophy

 (6 credits)

AS91040 1.2 (4 credits; internal)

Social studies
Conduct a social studies inquiry.

Conduct a social inquiry.

Ethics, philosophy of religion, political philosophy
AS91020 1.6
 (4 credits; external)

Art history
Examine objects that may be considered as art.

Explain why selected objects may be considered as art.

(6 credits)
Religious studies
Describe key ethical principles and how they apply to an issue (for example, war, euthanasia).
(6 credits)
Religious studies
Describe key beliefs of a religious tradition.
Philosophy of religion: religious worldviews; for example, Islam, Hinduism
 (3 credits)
Generic computing
Use computer technology to create and deliver a presentation from given content.
Topic of choice

Before using, check that you have the correct version.

At the time of publication, achievement standards were in development to align them with The New Zealand Curriculum. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to the NZQA website.

Aligned level 1 achievement standards were registered for use in 2011 and level 2 for use in 2012; level 3 will be registered for use in 2013.

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Last updated August 18, 2015
