Learning objective 6-4: Profitability
Indicators |
Elaborations |
Students will gain knowledge, practical skills, and experience to:
- explore a range of factors that influence land use in New Zealand, including for profitable primary production.
- Identifies a range of physical (such as topography and soil), climatic (such as sunshine hours, annual rainfall, frost days, prevailing wind, and temperature), and market (such as proximity, infrastructure, labour availability, and basic economic considerations) factors that determine where major primary production industries are located in New Zealand.
- Explains how the (above) factors influence the types of primary production within specific regions of New Zealand.
- Uses data to suggest the suitability of a range of management practices used in production processes, based on economic considerations.
Possible context elaborations
- The principal locations of different primary production industries: Identify these on a map of New Zealand and analyse.
- New Zealand climate, topography, and land use data: Analyse to identify patterns and trends over time.
- The geographic distribution of specific primary production systems: Research (for example, fish and shellfish farming, fine wool or blueberries) and produce a table or T chart summarising findings in terms of factors such as topography, climate, transport, labour availability, and economics.
- Growing cherries in greenhouses in North Otago: What are the economic reasons for and against?
- New Zealand honey industry: What are the factors affecting location and profitability over the last 10 years?
Assessment for qualifications
Agricultural and horticultural science programmes integrate concepts and learning from achievement objectives in biology, science, economics, geography, and technology. For this reason, learning can be assessed using achievement standards from a range of subjects as well as those from agricultural and horticultural science. Teachers have considerable scope to select standards that will assess valued learning and engage their students.
Learning described by this objective could be assessed using one or more of these achievement standards:
- AS90918 Agricultural and horticultural science 1.1 Carry out a practical agricultural or horticultural investigation; Internal, 4 credits.
- AS90920 Agricultural and horticultural science 1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the geographic distribution of agricultural and horticultural primary production in New Zealand; Internal, 3 credits.
- AS90926 Biology 1.2 Report on a biological issue; Internal, 3 credits.
- AS90949 Science 1.10 Investigate life processes and environmental factors that affect them; Internal, 4 credits.
- AS90951 Science 1.12 Investigate the biological impact of an event on a New Zealand ecosystem; Internal, 4 credits.
- AS90955 Science 1.16 Investigate an astronomical or earth science event; Internal, 4 credits.
- AS91009 Geography 1.3 Demonstrate geographic understanding of the sustainable use of an environment; Internal, 3 credits.
- AS91012 Geography 1.6 Describe aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue; Internal, 3 credits.
- AS90983 Economics 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of consumer choices, using scarcity and/or demand; External, 4 credits.
- AS90984 Economics 1.2 Demonstrate understanding of decisions a producer makes about production; Internal, 5 credits.
- AS90985 Economics 1.3 Demonstrate understanding of producer choices using supply; External, 3 credits.
- AS90986 Economics 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of how consumer, producer and/or government choices affect society, using market equilibrium; External, 5 credits.
- AS90987 Economics 1.5 Demonstrate understanding of a government choice where affected groups have different viewpoints; Internal, 4 credits.
- AS90988 Economics 1.6 Demonstrate understanding of the interdependence of sectors of the New Zealand economy; Internal, 3 credits.
At the time of publication, achievement standards were in development to align them with The New Zealand Curriculum. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to the
NZQA website.
The NZQA subject-specific resources pages are very helpful. From there, you can find all the achievement standards and links to assessment resources, both internal and external.
Learn more:
Aligned level 1 achievement standards were registered for use in 2011 and level 2 for use in 2012; level 3 will be registered for use in 2013.
Last updated May 6, 2021