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Chinese context elaborations

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Achievement objectives

AOs: L6

AOs: L7

AOs: L8


Cook Islands Māori


Gagana Sāmoa





Vagahau Niue



Assessment for qualifications:

Chinese L8: Example 3

Example 3: History project

从一八六零年开始 ,有很多中国人移民来新西兰了。这些最早的移民是来新西兰 “淘金”的。他们大部分是广东人 ,都是年轻的男人。他们有的是一个人来的 ,有的是和朋友一起来的。来到新西兰以后 ,他们去了 Otago ,因为那儿有黄金。

在 Otago ,他们的生活非常辛苦。他们住在非常小的石头房子 ,吃的 ,穿的 ,用的都很不好。他们的英文不好 ,所以没有新西兰朋友。他们认真挣钱 ,存钱 ,然后把钱送回中国的家 ,希望在中国的家人生活能好点儿。

那个时候 ,每个中国人一定要给 “人头税”。而且中国女人不许来新西兰 ,所以这些年轻男人没有太太 ,也没有家人。这些最早的移民真是辛苦!

二零零二年 ,新西兰的首相 Helen Clark 为了 “人头税”跟中国移民道歉。现在 ,中国人已经在新西兰生活了一百多年。在新西兰 ,哪儿都可以看见很多优秀的中国人 ,为中国争光!

Context and text type

A student researches the history of Chinese emigration to New Zealand and then produces a report about a particular group of Chinese immigrants.

Text type

Written report. Productive.

Examples showing how the student is:

Communicating information, ideas and opinions through increasingly extended and varied texts

The students uses temporal expressions to switch between different timeframes and to sequence events from the past; for example:

  •  最早的 , 以后 , 那个时候 , 现在.

The writer emphasises information, ideas, and opinions:

  • 移民是来新西兰’淘金’的.

The writer’s use of indicates the end of a clause:

  • 吃的 ,穿的 ,用的都很不好.

The writer expresses wishes and aspiration for the future:

  • 希望在中国的家人生活能好点儿.

The writer expresses the purpose for a cause of action:

  • 为了’人头税’跟中国移民道歉.

Exploring the views of others

The text shows the use of historical facts to explore views of the poll tax:

  • 首相跟中国移民道歉.

Developing and sharing personal perspectives

The writer uses emotive language to express and share personal opinions and attitudes:

  • 这些最早的移民真是辛苦.

Justifying own ideas and opinions

The use of the conjunctions 因为 , 所以 , 为了, 然后 provides elaborated explanation and justification.

Supporting or challenging the ideas and opinions of others

The use of emotive language shows empathy and support for the perspectives and actions of others:

  • 他们的生活非常辛苦.

Engaging in sustained interactions and producing extended texts

The writer uses the temporal expressions 从一八六零年开始 , 最早的 , 以后 , 那个时候 , 现在 to sequence events from the past to present, allowing ideas and information to be developed substantially and logically.

The writer introduces further information, for example:

  •  有的是 …, 有的是 …, 而且 , 所以.

Exploring how linguistic meaning is conveyed across languages

The text contains the expression 辛苦 to express the ideas 'hard work' and 'difficult life'.

Analysing how the language expresses cultural meanings

The writer uses historical facts and deliberate discussion of cultural practices:

  • 他们认真挣钱 ,存钱 ,然后把钱送回中国的家.

The miners worked hard and saved money. They then sent the money to their families in China. This shows their work ethic and family values.

Historical facts and discussion of cultural practices show traditional Chinese family structure and support system:

  •  望在中国的家人生活能好点儿。

The writer’s use of 为中国争光!reveals the importance of patriotism in Chinese culture.

Opportunities for developing intercultural communicative competence

Students could investigate the history of Chinese immigrants in New Zealand from 1860s to present time, the reasons for immigration, and the aspirations and attitudes of all involved.

They could compare and contrast family structure, family values, and support systems in Chinese and New Zealand cultures. They could explore how such knowledge can contribute to effective intercultural communication with speakers of Chinese.

Students could explore the concepts of mana and honour in Chinese and New Zealand societies, and how these are represented in cultural and linguistic practices.

Last updated March 4, 2013
