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AOs: L6

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Assessment for qualifications:

Chinese L6: Example 2

Example 2: Questionnaire


惠灵顿 — huìlíngdùn — Wellington

国会大楼 — gúohuìdàloú — parliament

首都 — shoŭdū — capital

圆形 — yúanxíng — round

蜂窝 — fēngwō — beehive

博物馆 — bówùguăn — museum

希望 — xīwàng — hope

你最喜欢做什么?   我最喜欢运动。
我喜欢买东西 ,看电影 ,吃东西。
你会游泳吗?   会 ,我会游泳
  不 ,我不会游泳。
我会游泳 ,但是不喜欢游泳
  我想 ,但是我没游过泳。
你爬山吗?   我没有爬过山。
你可以骑自行车吗?   我可以骑自行车!
你滑过雪吗? 没有 ,我没有滑过 ,我会怕!
  我很会滑雪! 我还会玩雪板呢!
你要去博物馆吗? 好啊 ,我去!
  我不要去博物馆 , 真无聊!
建议行程 到了惠灵顿以后 ,你们应该先到国会大楼。惠灵顿是新西兰的首都 ,国会大楼就在这里。国会大楼是圆形的 ,像个’蜂窝 ‘一样, 很有意思 ,你们一定要去看一看!然后你们可以去 Te Papa。 这是惠灵顿最大的博物馆。大人和孩子都会喜欢。很多住在别的城市的人都来这里参观。这里最热闹的地方是 Courtney Place。 Courtney Place 在城里 ,那里有很多餐厅和咖啡馆,也有很多小商店和电影院。你们可以在那里买东西 ,吃饭 ,看电影 或者喝咖啡。希望你和你的朋友在惠灵顿玩得开心!

Context and text type

A Chinese travel agency has put together a questionnaire for clients who are interested in travelling in New Zealand. An itinerary will be proposed, based on the client’s interests and hobbies. The example is a completed questionnaire. The respondent has identified their interests and hobbies, and the agency has proposed an itinerary that caters for these preferences.

Text type

Questionnaire, formal. Receptive.

Observations a student might make concerning:

Information, ideas and opinions communicated in the text

The text illustrates the use of 应该 ,可以 , 一定 to give suggestions.

Each question provides various alternatives, and the client has for the most part ticked one response per question, for example:

  •  你爬山吗?√我不喜欢爬山。没意思.

The suggested itinerary is located in Wellington. Anyone unfamiliar with Wellington and its attractions may have to investigate these further in order to be able to make meaning from the information.

How the writer expresses personal ideas and opinions

The text illustrates the use of ‑都喜欢‑;‑都来‑ to give opinions.

The writer uses synonyms to describe one’s favourite place:

  • 像‑一样.

The completed questionnaire shows the client’s responses, together with the agent’s proposed itinerary.

How the writer communicates appropriately in the situation

The writer uses adjectives to describe Wellington as the cultural centre and capital of New Zealand, where one can find many interesting places:

  • 最大 ,热闹 ,很多 ,开心.

The text illustrates the use of short sentences (for example, 我怕骑自行车) as responses to questions. This pattern is typical of questionnaires. Short sentences give the reader easy access to the various alternatives.

The text contains sequence words (先 ,然后) to suggest that activities can be done in a particular order.

How the language in the text is organised for the writer’s purpose

The writer uses temporal adverbs such as 先 ,然后 ,and 以后 to introduce activities in an appropriate time sequence.

The writer uses a formal salutation, 希望 , at the end of the itinerary, expressing the wish that the tourists will have a good time.

The text is presented in table form and arranged logically. This makes the information readily accessible and encourages reader participation.

Opportunities for developing intercultural communicative competence

The questionnaire could be used as the starter for a series of discussions in which students make their own responses to the questions and proposed itinerary.

As a follow-up, students could be asked to propose an itinerary for another student, based on their responses in the questionnaire.

Students could investigate the language and cultural conventions found in similar texts on a range of topics. What do these have in common? What language features are well represented? How could they apply this knowledge to developing their own survey questions in Chinese?

Students could compare English questionnaires with Chinese questionnaires. What similarities and differences do they notice? What topics are chosen? What questions are asked? What suggestions are made?

Last updated March 4, 2013
