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Chinese context elaborations

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Achievement objectives

AOs: L6

AOs: L7

AOs: L8


Cook Islands Māori


Gagana Sāmoa





Vagahau Niue



Assessment for qualifications:

Chinese L8: Example 2

Example 2: A Chinese girl writes a letter to her parents


敬爱的 — jìngaìde — respectable, used to address the recipient of a letter

环境 — huánjìng — environment

苏州 — sūzhōu — Suzhou, a city in Southern China famous for its gardens

河川 — héchuān — river

长途 — chángtú — long distance

景点 — jĭngdiăn — tourist attractions

换句话说 — huànjùhuàshuō — in other words

身体健康 — shēntĭjiànkāng — formulaic expression, 'wish you good health', used at the end of a letter

万事如意 — wànshìrúyì — formulaic expression, 'wish you well', used at the end of a letter


你们好。下个月你们就要来新西兰了 ,我真高兴!你们可以一边旅游 ,一边看看我的学习环境。虽然我已经来到这儿八个月了 ,可是我还没有在新西兰旅游过 ,所以我很期待你们的到来 ,因为我可以和你们一起去玩儿。

我 听说Christchurch非常漂亮 ,一定要去。它就是新西兰的苏州。Christchurch 和苏州一样 ,都有一条美丽的河川 ,也都是园林之城。在 Christchurch,人们也喜欢骑自行车。对了!在南岛旅游的时候 ,我们肯定要租一辆车 ,因为新西兰的长途汽车又贵又少。再说 ,如果我们想去很多景点 ,有自己的车子会比较方 便。如果你们想去一些特别的地方 ,快点儿告诉我 ,这样我可以先打听打听。

新西兰位于南半球 ,所以季节和中国相反。换句话说 ,现在中国是夏天 ,所以新西兰是冬天。而且最近天气越来越冷了,你们千万别忘了带冬天的衣服!

祝 身体健康 ,万事如意! 女儿

兰兰 敬上


Context and text type

Lanlan is a Chinese girl living in New Zealand. She is writing a letter to her parents back in China about their upcoming trip to New Zealand.

Text type

Letter. Receptive.

Observations a student might make concerning:

Information, ideas, and opinions communicated in the text

The writer’s use of 就要 … indicates events happening in the near future.

Use of 一定要 / 肯定要 to instruct and direct others to do something.

The writer uses the example of Christchurch 和苏州一样 / 都 / 也 to develop a comparison.

The formulaic expression 对了!indicates a change of topic.

The expression 越来越 … shows a continuing change. This expression can be followed by an adjective. Here it means 'getting colder and colder'.

The writer uses 如果 to present a hypothesis.

How the writer explores the views of others

The writer uses the conditional and a hypothesis to explore the views of others:

  • 如果你们想去一些特别的地方

The writer paraphrases the views of others, for example:

  •  我听说.

How the writer develops and shares personal perspectives

The writer uses an imperative to make a suggestion, for example:

  •  你们千万别忘了带冬天的衣服.

The writer uses 千万 for emphasis.

How the writer justifies their own ideas and opinions

The writer gives further explanation and justification through the use of:

  •  因为 , 所以 , 再说 , 而且, 又 …, 又 …, 换句话说.

The writer uses emotive language to express opinions and attitudes, for example:

  •  高兴 and 期待.

How the writer supports or challenges the ideas and opinions of others

The writer expresses approval and pleasure in relation to the ideas of others, for example:

  •  我真高兴 and 我很期待.

The writer uses 你们可以一边旅游一边看看我的学习环境 to suggest a course of action.

The writer uses hypothesis and the imperative to support the ideas and actions of others; for example:

  •  如果你们想去一些特别的地方 ,快点儿告诉我 ,这样我可以先打听打听。

How linguistic meaning is conveyed across languages

Verb duplication indicates spoken language; for example:

  •  打听打听.

The text illustrates the use of formulaic expressions (opening and closing greetings) specific to the genre of letter writing.

How language is used in the text to expresses cultural meanings

敬爱的 … and …敬上 are formulaic expressions used in letters to convey respect towards parents and elders.

The use of respectful salutations 祝身体健康 ,万事如意 indicates respect towards elders.

The writer uses 千万 to suggest 'must' and 'by all means'.

Opportunities for developing intercultural communicative competence

Students could make comparisons between a Chinese city and a New Zealand city, and the provision and use of public transport systems in both places. They could investigate aspects of visual and written language associated with these systems, and make connections and comparisons across cultures.

Students could study and practice using the letter writing format to improve and consolidate knowledge of the conventions of the genre in English and Chinese.

Last updated March 27, 2013
