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Level 6 and 7 snapshots

Learning programme design

Level 6/7 snapshots

Health ed snapshots:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Physical ed snapshots:

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6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Home economics snapshots:

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Combined HPE and home economics snapshots

Physical education snapshot 7

Using digital technologies as learning tools at year 12


Students are becoming competent, autonomous users of digital technologies on a range of platforms and devices that can support learning. How can teachers design learning programmes to use this capability? 

Focusing inquiry

We believed that as students were competent consumers of their own devices, engagement and autonomy would be enhanced through the ability to generate content using programmes/applications they were familiar with.

We were cognisant of the range of teacher proficiency with digital devices. By allowing students to bring in their own devices, teachers were able to allow students to take the lead in how to use them, and there was no expectation that teachers would need to know how to use the range of mobile devices that students might have. The unit of work was inherently student driven, whilst still allowing for teacher direction and opportunity for development content when required. 

Teacher inquiry

We used digital devices when analysing performance explicitly within the learning process, where the students were expected to critique physical performances of specific techniques (within a range of sporting contexts). This allowed the students more ownership of their learning. They could not only see and analyse their own performance but they could use it when discussing what they needed to work on with other students and the teacher. 

Achievement objectives that could be used as a basis to develop learning intentions

  • 7B1: Appraise specialised motor skills and adapt them to extend physical competence and recreational opportunities.
  • 7B3: Apply relevant scientific, technological and environmental knowledge and use appropriate resources to improve performance in a specialised physical activity.
  • 7C3: Evaluate information, make informed decisions and use interpersonal skills effectively to manage conflict, competition, and change in relationships. 

Possible assessment links to achievement standards

  • AS91328 (PE2.2) Demonstrate understanding of how and why biophysical principles relate to the learning of physical skills.
  • AS91330 (PE2.4) Perform a physical activity in an applied setting. 

Learning inquiry

The use of digital technologies within the two units of work supported the teaching and learning programme, rather than driving it. Students were encouraged to bring their own devices into the learning environment to record video and take images of their performance of specific sporting techniques, for example, follow through in a basketball shot. These images were then analysed for feedback/feedforward, and in some cases uploaded to class social media pages for discussion.

The use of these snapshots had three purposes:

  • firstly to give students instant feedback that validated any internal and peer feedback received
  • secondly it gave them the ability to apply scientific concepts, for example, biomechanics to improve performance
  • thirdly, these snapshots provided evidence for comparison at the conclusion of the unit of work. 

Not all students had digital devices to bring into class so peer sharing occurred, and a number of faculty resources were used (that is, flip video cameras, digital cameras, iPads). The students were competent users of the technology. Where gaps in understanding were observed, peer teaching and mentoring rectified issues instantaneously. Students collaborated with each other. 

Lessons were structured so that the use of devices was an inherent component of the reflection process, whilst informing further improvements. Students were expected to participate within a range of physical contexts, for example, movement orientated or sport, and then peer marking was completed through the recording of video and image collection. Initially, structured feedback sessions were conducted to teach students how to give purposeful, progressive feedback to their peers, which would increase the effectiveness of the reflection process. 

As a result of this, students were excited to use their own devices within the learning context and demonstrated the capacity to use them to meet specific learning objectives. If there were students who didn't have a personal device, they either shared with their peers or used a school device. Students were the constructors of their own assessment in relation to the process they used to generate a final result. The final product was a report, using a pre-made template, which compared individual technique to that of a professional athlete.

The template for the assessment was generated using the full spectrum of a digital technology continuum. There was an understanding that there would be variance in the types of devices used within the assessment task, coupled with the expertise of the teaching staff. Therefore, the assessment allowed for basic technologies (that is, flip cameras, digital cameras) through to the more advanced image capture technologies (that is, iPads, tablets and mobile smart phones).  

Note: Teachers of varying expertise used digital technologies with their classes, drawing on student knowledge, but remaining rigid on the assessment outcome. 

Learn more

The use of digital technologies engaged students within the learning process, making it relevant and linked to their personal context. The adjustment to the teaching and learning programme was inherently student driven, and allowed for a genuine learning experience for students, whilst also developing both interpersonal skills and autonomy in their learning.

Last updated September 4, 2013
