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Level 6 and 7 snapshots

Learning programme design

Level 6/7 snapshots

Health ed snapshots:

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Home economics snapshots:

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Combined HPE and home economics snapshots

Home economics snapshot 2

The year plan – a big picture concept


How do you develop a “big picture” themed approach to the year 12 programme, connecting several units of learning to provide a sense of unity and purpose to the year’s programme? 

Teacher inquiry

We decided to base our year’s programme around the statement “Everybody has the right to affordable, healthy food”/ “Everybody should have the opportunity to enjoy healthy affordable food”, and planned suitable learning experiences that met our intended level 7 achievement objectives. 

The class was presented with the statement in their first lesson. The teacher encouraged some healthy discussion, providing leading questions to develop an understanding of the socio-ecological nature of the theme. The emphasis was on debating the issue not seeking solutions.

Is it a realistic expectation? Why? Why not? The  Ottawa Charter WHO was considered when determining what is healthy food, whether healthy food is boring, what foods the students liked to eat, and who decides if it is healthy. This was linked to AS91300

Our community

We discussed what was healthy and affordable in our community. We surveyed fresh food outlets, community gardens, visited a local farmers’ market, spoke to local producers, prepared food from local produce, held a Masterchef competition, preserved surplus crops from home/school/community for family use or as gift to charity, opportunities for hunting and fishing locally.

Other ideas: You could develop a school or home veggie garden? Develop recipes for local food supplier.

We discussed sustainability issues and the impact of processed food products on the environment. This linked to AS91301.  

People with special dietary needs

We discussed why some members of our community may require different foods – health, religion, ethical reasons. In their practical work, students demonstrated how family meals could be adapted to be healthy and affordable. Students then selected either vegan, gluten free, dairy free, or sports people with high energy needs, as their focus group for more in-depth research for assessment. This linked to AS91299

Food security

Not everyone in New Zealand can afford to eat regular, healthy food. We discussed and debated the myths and assumptions around poverty and food security. The teachers used newspaper articles to stimulate debate and challenge the students’ thinking. The determinants of health were used to evaluate issues.

Discussion of the relationship between well-being, food choices and determinants of health prepared students for assessments. (See:  Hidden Hunger: Food and low income in NZ.)

In our practical classes, students costed out typical family meals, developed and prepared low cost, healthy meals and snacks. This linked to AS91301 and AS91300

“Let’s take action”

We discussed ways we could support our community and or families in need.

Students reviewed and evaluated health-promoting materials and activities such as: 

We discussed social responsibility – Is it our problem? Governments? Individuals?

What could you/we/our class/ community do? (An action plan could be developed and carried out).

Cross-curricular opportunity

This context lends itself to the development of a multi-department unit with potential to develop a course using achievement standards across learning areas. For example:

  • Education for sustainability plan - implement and evaluate a personal action that will contribute towards a sustainable future
  • Science-climate – change, water, air pollution
  • English/ethics – essays/debates on ethical issues around food production
  • Technology – packaging, food production
  • Health/PE – Healthy breakfasts and sports performance, sponsorship, determinants of Health                                                         
  • Maths/economics – budgeting, food price index 

Achievement objectives that could be used as a basis to develop learning intentions

  • 7A1: Assess their health needs and identify strategies to ensure personal well-being across their lifespan.
  • 7D1: Analyse ways in which social organisations promote healthy communities and evaluate the effects they have.
  • 7D2: Evaluate school and community initiatives that promote young people’s well-being. 

Possible assessment links to achievement standards

  • AS91300 (HEc 2.2) Analyse the relationship between well-being, food choices and determinants of health.
  • AS91302 (HEc 2.4) Evaluate sustainable food related practices.
  • AS90301 (HEc 2.3) Analyse beliefs, attitudes and practices related to a nutritional issue for families in New Zealand.

Learning inquiry

This year plan allowed for individual and group activities and provided many opportunities for discussion, debate, and reflection. Students became increasingly confident in expressing their views, and the standard of questioning, critical thinking, and reflection was markedly improved by the end of the programme. There was plenty of variety in the learning experiences and many opportunities to carry out practical and field work. The flexibility of the programme allows teachers to select the most appropriate material that reflects the needs of their students.  Cultural sensitivity is required in dealing with family and community food choices, especially around the issue of poverty.

Students were very aware of the inequalities within the students’ families and respectfully supported the views of others. The teacher has a crucial role in monitoring the discussions and debates. There were also lots of opportunities to build on and extend an in-depth knowledge of nutrients and nutrition.

The flexibility of the programme caters for diverse learning needs, including any new students into level 7 home economics. It provides a good platform for the level 8 programme.

There is also an opportunity to provide a programme offering 19 credits (with one external or 23 credits (with 2 externals). 

Learn more

Useful websites:

Last updated July 7, 2022
