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Level 6 and 7 snapshots

Learning programme design

Level 6/7 snapshots

Health ed snapshots:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Physical ed snapshots:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Home economics snapshots:

1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6

Combined HPE and home economics snapshots

Home economics snapshot 1

Planning the year’s programme around individual learning needs


The learning needs of our level 7 students are becoming increasingly complex and diverse.

Some students are starting home economics for the first time and others have three or more years of prior learning, including those looking for high level academic achievement. Cultural considerations must also be taken into account. 

We decided to trial an individualised programme for the year with the intention of extending it into level 8 if successful. We wanted to use student voice to build individual programmes that reflected their needs, expectations and interests, and which connected with relevant and authentic learning contexts. We designed a curriculum that integrated learning from home economics, hospitality, physical education, and work experience (Star and Gateway). 

Focusing inquiry

Teachers reflected on each student in their classes (using specific and non-specific data collected previously, including consulting with deans and other teachers), and then engaged them in conversations as they planned their individual programmes, asking these questions:  

  • What are you most looking forward to in this subject?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What dreams/plans do you have for this year/next year/the future?
  • What would your ideal job be?
  • How can home economics contribute to these plans?
  • Complete the career survey.
  • Look at the range of careers out there that could fit with the skills related to learning in home economics/hospitality/physical education. 

These resources provided further questions and the research empowered teachers to trial this approach.

How much do we as teachers know of our students’ history, tikanga, and worldview – and how is this reflected in our classroom curriculum and environment? What aspirations do whānau and iwi have for their young people? How visible and involved are whānau and iwi in the teaching and learning culture of the school or early childhood education service?

These are the kind of questions that Tataiako challenges teachers, middle leaders, and schools to answer as well as providing a culturally located framework for teachers to work from.

Teacher inquiry

The class discussed the knowledge and skills required for possible career pathways, the benefits of learning leading to qualifications, and the achievement standards they would need to attain. Time was provided for students to create an individualised plan, negotiated with the teacher.

As a student-directed learning programme is much more likely to get commitment and buy-in from your students, especially reluctant learners, it was important to make the planned programme relevant and realistic for each student. This enabled more success.

Some points to note were that it required good communication and support between student and teacher, and regular checks on student progress. There was also some flexibility needed to allow changes to the programme during the year as the students’ needs changed. In large classes, several students may be on the same or similar programmes. It may require teacher time at the start to get programmes sorted but, if students are motivated, you will find the teaching time less stressful.

Students developed an outline of their own programme for the year. The students, with the support of the teacher, identified assessment opportunities and the number of associated credits that matched the student’s individual programme. Using an online calendar, they highlighted key dates (school activities and intended assessment dates) and availability of practical spaces. Some of the individual programmes included units from other domains and linked to Star or Gateway courses opportunities. Students signed their individual learning contracts as a commitment to their learning for the year.

Learning inquiry

Students were enthusiastic and committed to their individualised programmes. Some struggled initially with having to take charge of their own learning and were a little nervous to take personal risk. Student achievement and engagement increased as students realised they were capable of a higher level of achievement. 

Weekly student/teacher conferencing around how the individual programmes were going allowed feedback and feedforward to maintain student motivation, momentum, and learning. Student feedback included:

  • “I wish all my classes were planned like this”. 
  • “For once I have been able to learn about my interests, not the teacher’s passion”.

Our staff realised that the same process could be applied to level 8 or multi-level classes (combination of year 11/12/13 or a combination of home economics/food technology/hospitality and some physical education learning and assessment).

Last updated March 8, 2022
