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Modelling what we value

Social sciences, and therefore media studies, are not values free. Core social science values are closely related to the values found in The New Zealand Curriculum. Students expect to find congruence between the values we promote and the way we teach.

Foster participation

Give students opportunity to be involved in curriculum and classroom decision making (consistent with our advocacy of participatory democracy). For example, see the mechanism 'build and sustain a learning community'.

Reward initiative

Challenge students to set their own goals, manage their own work and share responsibility for group projects. Help them identify the evidence they will need for assessment. Avoid over-specifying and over-controlling.

Encourage innovation, inquiry, and curiosity

Spark curiosity. Engage students in inquiry. Resist the impulse to rescue too soon or to redirect an inquiry that heads somewhere interesting but unexpected.

Consider using an inquiry model such as Ross Todd’s Guided Inquiry model as an example of facilitating effective inquiry.

Respect diversity

Build positive and respectful relationships. Ensure all students feel at home in our classrooms. Encourage and value their ideas, cultural perspectives and contributions.

Promote equity

Build positive and respectful relationships. Help young people put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Be credible and fair. Set high standards of care and consideration for others.

Learn together

Learn with your students. Learn from your students. Teaching–learning (ako) is a reciprocal activity. Knowledge sharing (wānanga) is more powerful than one-way information transmission.

Last updated May 28, 2021
