Cross-curricular learning and external qualification
A media studies programme that involves two or more learning areas allows teachers to assess students against a number of possible achievement standards. This section suggests a variety of outcomes that are based on media studies learning objectives and could be assessed using achievement standards from other subjects.
Note: At the time of publication, the NCEA achievement standards were in development, to align them with the New Zealand Curriculum. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to
the NZQA website.
Aligned level 1 achievement standards will be registered by NZQA for use in 2011, Level 2 in 2012 and Level 3 in 2013.
Full information on the draft standards and the alignment process can be found on
Some examples of integrated assessment
1.1: Demonstrate understanding of how individuals interact with the media. (internal, 3 credits)
This standard might be integrated with assessment for the following:
- English 1.9: Use information literacy skills to form conclusion(s).
- History 1.2: Demonstrate understanding of a historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders.
- History 1.4: Demonstrate understanding of different perspectives of people in a historical event of significance to New Zealanders.
The context is a historical event of significance to New Zealanders. A historical investigation of media accounts of the Springbok tour could be combined with a media investigation into how people used, and interacted with, the media to understand the Springbok tour. Points of view could be collected from
NZ on Screen content such as Children of the Revolution and older staff at school or outside people the student knows.
1.2: Demonstrate understanding of selected elements of media text(s). (internal, 3 credits)
This standard might be integrated with assessment for the following:
- English 1.2: Show understanding of specified aspect(s) of studied visual or oral text(s), using supporting evidence.
- English 1.11: Show understanding of visual and/or oral text(s) through close viewing and/or listening, using supporting evidence.
1.5: Produce a design and plan for a media product using a specified range of conventions. (internal, 3 credits) and 1.6: Complete a media product using a specified range of conventions, from a design and plan. (internal, 6 credits)
These standards might be integrated with assessment for the following:
- English 1.6: Construct and deliver an oral text.
- English 1.7: Create a visual text. (Students could pitch their design and plan as an oral presentation to the class.)
- English 1.9: Use information literacy skills to form conclusion(s).
- English 1.5: Produce formal writing. (For example, students could present their design and plan as a written report.)
- Visual Arts 1.4: Produce a body of work informed by established practice, which develops ideas, using a range of media.
- Visual Arts 1.5: Produce a finished work that demonstrates skills appropriate to cultural conventions.
Last updated September 14, 2011