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Teaching as inquiry

The New Zealand Curriculum identifies generic characteristics of effective pedagogy and describes a process for 'teaching as inquiry'.

NZC_Teaching as inquiry diagram.

NZC_Teaching as inquiry diagram

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This cyclical process provides a framework that can help teachers plan strategically and respond to the effects of their teaching, that is, to think about how you’re teaching and whether it’s working.

The 'teaching as inquiry' process is an ongoing, cyclical process.

Teachers need to be constantly asking themselves:

  • where their students are in their learning
  • how they can help them progress
  • how their teaching impacts on the students’ learning.

Use this information to decide: 

  • What should I teach next? (a focusing inquiry)
  • How should I teach it? (a teaching inquiry)
  • What do I base those decisions on? (a learning inquiry)

Last updated September 21, 2020
