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Assessment for learning

Assessment considerations

The New Zealand Curriculum (p. 39) notes:

'The primary purpose of assessment is to improve students’ learning and teachers’ teaching as both students and teachers respond to the information that it provides.'

Further information on assessment can be found in the Assessment Community on Te Kete Ipurangi (TKI).

Students need to know the intended learning objectives for the legal studies programme they are doing and the indicators that will show that they have succeeded in meeting each objective. It is important, then, to clarify these learning objectives and indicators to the students, and to provide ongoing feedback to support student success.

Dialogue between the teacher and students can help to clarify what learning has occurred and how further learning can be supported. Self-assessment and peer assessment are useful approaches as students continue to take increasing responsibility for their own learning. However, students may need to be taught these skills.

Assessment should be an ongoing process, through which a range of evidence is gathered to inform what has been learnt and to decide next steps for learning (as well as next steps for teaching).

Last updated August 20, 2019
