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Developing the key competencies

The key competencies underpin everything that happens in teaching and learning.

They have implications for all aspects of planning and teaching, including activities, resources, and language used; content, topics or foci for learning; the role that both students and teachers take in the learning process; and the culture of the geography classroom.

What could key competencies look like in teaching geography?

The NZC Key Competencies Online website provides guidance on what key competencies could look like in your classroom – ' Key competencies in teaching'.

In the pedagogy section of this guide, the 'teaching as inquiry' model is used to support teacher inquiry into the teaching-learning relationship.

Consider how the teaching as inquiry process can support developing students’ capabilities in the key competencies – 'KCs discussion tool: Teaching as inquiry.

Consider what teacher practice looks like in a key competencies-rich programme and what strategies and ideas could support students and teachers as they develop tasks that are part of teaching and learning programmes and at the same time prepare students for the assessment criteria of the achievement standards.

Select strategies and tasks for students to develop the key competencies based on the principles that underpin the key competencies, that is, active, real/purposeful, relevant, and empowering.

Last updated November 24, 2010
