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Theme: Application of the four aspects of sustainability to the biophysical environment model

A two-year programme


EfS Level 7

Year 1 – Atmosphere and Biosphere

EfS Level 8

Year 2 – Hydrosphere and Lithosphere

Term 1 

LO 7.2 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to investigate the aspects of sustainability in different contexts.

Introduction to EfS aspects, key concepts, key principles, key terms and contexts. 

LO 7.3 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to examine the values and behaviours that will contribute to a sustainable future.

AS90813 Education for sustainability 2.3 Demonstrate understanding of how different personal values have implications for a sustainable future; Internal, 3 credits.

The values and practices that support the use of alternative energy such as  wind farms and the contribution to a sustainable future.

Skills module:

  • Group work skills
  • Research skills
  • Report writing skills

Revisit EfS aspects, key concepts, key principles, key terms and contexts. 

LO 8.4 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to analyse actions necessary for sustainability and plan, implement, and critically evaluate personal action for a sustainable future.

AS90828 Education for sustainability 3.1 Evaluate a personal action that contributes towards a sustainable future; Internal, 6 credits.

The production of a film disseminated to an audience designed to raise awareness of sea-level rise, one of the major effects of global climate change. 

Skills module:

  • Strategy development skills
  • Report writing skills
  • Investigation/selection of policies for AS90831

It is very important to refer to both current specifications and explanatory note 5 before planning for the teaching and relevant assessment of.


Term 2


LO 7.4 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to plan, implement, and evaluate personal action for a sustainable future.

AS90810 Education for sustainability 2.1 Undertake a personal action, with reflection, that contributes to a sustainable future; Internal, 6 credits.

The organisation of a  car-free day for a school, with scope for reflection.

LO 7.1 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to investigate how to enhance and maintain biophysical systems and improve biodiversity. 

AS90811 Education for sustainability 2.2 Explain how human activity in a biophysical environment has consequences for a sustainable future; Internal, 4 credits.

Investigation of  modern landfill practices and the consequences for a sustainable future. (PDF)

LO 8.2 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to analyse the impact of strategies and initiatives for a sustainable future.

AS90832 Education for sustainability 3.5 Develop a strategy for an organisation that will contribute to a sustainable future; Internal, 5 credits.

The development of a strategy to raise awareness of potable water conservation in a drought-prone community or region; example, Canterbury.

LO 8.1 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to evaluate social, economic, and technological measures that could be taken to sustain natural resources and improve biodiversity now and for the future 

AS91735 Education for sustainability 3.2 Evaluate measures that may be taken to sustain and/or improve a biophysical environment; Internal, 4 credits.

Waste management on a ski field; measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of waste; example, Coronet Peak.


Term 3


LO 7.2 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to investigate the aspects of sustainability in different contexts.

AS90814 Education for sustainability 2.6 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of sustainability in different contexts; External, 4 credits. 

All previous contexts provide relevant preparation for this resource based external achievement standard. An additional context that fits with the biosphere theme is the establishment of  community gardens in New Zealand.

AS91733 Education for sustainability 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of initiatives that contribute to a sustainable future; External, 4 credits.

With this external achievement standard also being resource based, preparation could include investigation into a range of initiatives relating to the atmosphere and biosphere:

  • Native planting initiatives for communities
  • Riparian planting initiatives for the rural sector
  • Domestic heating and associated air pollution initiatives
  • Reduction of carbon emissions initiatives


LO 8.2 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to analyse the impact of strategies and initiatives for a sustainable future.

AS90831 Education for sustainability 3.4 Analyse the impact that policies have on a sustainable future; External, 5 credits.

Two policies have been chosen and reviewed in detail in Term 1 to reduce the preparatory workload in Term 3 when developing/completing the written report for submission.


Term 4 

Revision for externals and practice of exam technique skills.

Completion of externals.


Total credits: 21

NOTE: The achievement standards are examples that could be used to assess this programme.  Not all aspects of the programme need to be  formally assessed

Total credits: 20

Last updated December 16, 2024
