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Enable e-learning

Enabling e-Learning is the Ministry of Education’s online 'hub' for ICT-related education resources and programmes in New Zealand, bringing together everything that school leaders and teachers need to improve their e-learning practice.

What is e-learning and what do we mean by enabling e-learning?

Enabling e-learning is learning and teaching that is facilitated by or supported through the appropriate use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).

E-Learning can cover a spectrum of activities from supporting learning to blended learning (the combination of traditional and e-learning practices) to learning that is delivered entirely online.

Whatever the technology, learning is the vital element.

E-Learning is not simply associated with modes of delivery or the functionality of a particular technology, but forms part of a conscious choice of the best and most appropriate ways of promoting effective learning.

Best practice e-learning enables accessible, relevant, and high-quality learning opportunities that improve student engagement and achievement.

E-learning has the potential to transform the way teaching and learning takes place. It is about using technologies effectively across the curriculum to connect schools and communities and to provide accessible, relevant, and high-quality learning opportunities so that every student is better able to achieve their full potential.

Some examples of teacher actions that incorporate e-learning include:

  • using learning management systems to provide resources (problems, models, worked examples, and so on) that students can use to clarify, revise, apply, and share their learning
  • using online resources, for example, company websites, or the IRD website
  • using a web conferencing application to connect with other accounting classes online to share resources, challenge with problems, or create online discussion groups, for example, to analyse a company’s annual report
  • using a spread sheet package to complete exercises, for example, accounting equations, financial statements, cash journals
  • using tools such as accounting software packages.

ICT can also be used to facilitate co-operative group work within the classroom, for example, document sharing applications for collaborative work, and data-show packages for collaborative presentation.

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Last updated March 9, 2022
