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Sample programme 2: Outdoor education – learning outside the classroom

This level 8 programme embraces New Zealand’s unique environmental resources. Students:

  • critically analyse opportunities to be physically active in a challenging environment
  • plan for safe and active participation in outdoor environments
  • devise, apply, and evaluate contemporary leadership strategies while participating in an outdoor environment.

The following programme is based on two half-year units of teaching and learning. Each unit focuses on different aspects of learning about outdoor education. The teacher selects relevant assessment opportunities to assess a specified achievement standard.

For a more detailed framework for a leadership unit that includes the key competencies, see Sample programme 4: Framework for a leadership unit

Unit 1: What’s out there?

In this unit students investigate the place of outdoor education for the students in their school. They consider various aspect of participation in order to provide enhanced opportunities for participation and performance.

Links to the level 8 achievement objectives include (but are not limited to) A1, A2, A4, B2, B4, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, and D3.

Consider using a social inquiry approach in which students will ask questions, critically examine and analyse leadership. For guidance on social inquiry, see Building Conceptual Understandings in the Social Sciences: Approaches to Social Inquiry in the "featured content" right-hand navigation of Social Sciences Online

Possible questions include:

  • What is the relationship between young people and the outdoors?
  • What is the perception of outdoor education in your school, wider community, and beyond?
  • How do cultural attitudes and values influence this perception?
    • Learning in this section could contribute to assessment for AS91498 Physical education 3.1: Evaluate physical activity experiences to devise strategies for lifelong well-being and AS91502 Physical education 3.5: Examine a current physical activity event, trend, or issue and its impact on New Zealand society.
  • Can we develop and implement enhanced outdoor education opportunities and experiences for our students?
  • When we implemented a plan for change, what happened and why?
    • Learning in this section could contribute to assessment for AS91502 Physical education 3.5: Examine a current physical activity event, trend, or issue and its impact on New Zealand society and AS91503 Physical education 3.6: Evaluate the use of health promotion to influence participation in physical activity.
  • What have we learnt about creating opportunities for involvement in outdoor education experiences that we can take into life beyond school?
  • What have we learnt about creating opportunities for involvement in outdoor education experiences for our diverse school community?
    • Learning in this section could contribute to assessment for AS91498 Physical education 3.1: Evaluate physical activity experiences to devise strategies for lifelong well-being.

Possible assessments

Possible assessment opportunities could be selected from the following achievement standards:

  • AS91498 Physical education 3.1: Evaluate physical activity experiences to devise strategies for lifelong well-being
  • AS91502 Physical education 3.5: Examine a current physical activity event, trend, or issue and its impact on New Zealand society
  • AS91503 Physical education 3.6: Evaluate the use of health promotion to influence participation in physical activity
  • AS91505 Physical education 3.8: Examine contemporary leadership principles applied in physical activity contexts

Departments will select the most appropriate assessment for the chosen learning.

Unit 2: Making the most of the great outdoors

In this unit, students enhance their experiences and performance in outdoor education activities through examining aspects of safety management and evaluating a programme that is designed to improve performance in the outdoors.

Links to the level 8 achievement objectives include (but are not limited to) A1, A3, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C3, D1, D3, and D4.

Consider using a social inquiry approach in which students will ask questions, critically examine and analyse leadership. For guidance on social inquiry, see Building Conceptual Understandings in the Social Sciences: Approaches to Social Inquiry in the "featured content" right-hand navigation of Social Sciences Online.

Possible questions include:

  • How can we develop the performance of students in outdoor education contexts?
  • What factors influence the effectiveness of performance improvement programmes that focus on developing skills in the outdoors? How do they influence the effectiveness of these programmes?
    • Learning in this section could contribute to assessment for AS91499 Physical education 3.2: Analyse a physical skill performed by self or others and AS91500 Physical education 3.3: Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme.
  • Examine the safety management issues for a selected outdoor activity in order to enhance outdoor education opportunities and experiences for students.
  • What factors (personal preferences, cultural attitudes, competing interests, time pressures and so on) influence participation in outdoor education experiences?
  • Devise and apply strategies to address the safety management issues.
    • Learning in this section could contribute to assessment for achievement standards AS91503 Physical education 3.6: Evaluate the use of health promotion to influence participation in physical activity and AS91504 Physical education 3.7: Analyse issues in safety management for outdoor activity to devise safety management strategies.

Possible assessments

Possible assessment opportunities could be selected from the following achievement standards:

  • AS91499 Physical education 3.2: Analyse a physical skill performed by self or others
  • AS91500 Physical education 3.3: Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme
  • AS91503 Physical education 3.6: Evaluate the use of health promotion to influence participation in physical activity
  • AS91504 Physical education 3.7: Analyse issues in safety management for outdoor activity to devise safety management strategies

Departments will select the most appropriate assessment for the chosen learning.  

Last updated October 3, 2013
