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Full-year level 8 health education programme with different contexts for each unit

Teachers can design courses that suit their students’ learning needs and use a different context for each different standard.

The choice of contexts needs to be balanced so that the students do not work with negative subject matter all year. For example, if they study HIV/AIDS as an international health issue and euthanasia as an ethical issue, the programme will need to be balanced with contexts that have a more positive focus – such as resilience as a New Zealand health issue and birthing as a contemporary health practice.

Theme-based programmes

Full-year themes

In the broad context of sexuality and gender, students could study:

  • as a local issue, teen pregnancy or the portrayal of sexuality in the media
  • as an international issue, how gender roles or HIV Aids impact on the well-being of men and/or women around the world.

Students could use these contexts to:

  • evaluate how health promotion models could apply within contexts
  • examine how birthing is managed by Western and traditional health practices
  • investigate ethical dilemmas related to fertility treatment or reproductive technologies.

Half-year themes

The first half of the year could be planned around the theme of health issues to cover a broad learning programme of health issues within New Zealand and internationally. Questions to consider could include:

  • What are these issues?
  • What has caused them?
  • What would the students like to look at in more depth?

When students have chosen their context for the New Zealand health issue (AS91461 Health education 3.1: Analyse a New Zealand health issue) and their international health issue (AS91462 Health education 3.2: Analyse an international health issue), they could start investigating and analysing each issue.

Recommendations for more equitable health outcomes (relating to either or both issues) may or may not be based on different models of health promotion. Towards the end of each unit students consider this (AS91465 Health education 3.5: Evaluate models for health promotion).

Last updated August 13, 2013
