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Sample legal studies programmes

These programmes are designed to provide guidance on what a teaching and learning programme in legal studies and popssible NCEA assessment might look like.

They are intended to be used as springboards to assist in a teacher’s own planning and are not prescriptive in any way.

Programme one

Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6

The following programme is an example of how a legal studies course could be constructed around the legal studies learning objectives and assessed for NCEA qualifications using the Level 2 and 3 legal studies unit standards (last reviewed in 2008). Choose contexts for each topic that are relevant and engaging for students.

Unit 1: Discrimination

This unit could focus on the protections against discrimination in New Zealand including the Employment Relations Act 2000 and the Human Rights Act 1993.

A case study could be made of the Human Rights Review Tribunal case of Josie Bullock and the Department of Corrections relating to an employee of the Department who refused to sit in the back row during a farewell ceremony.

Legal studies level 7 learning objectives

  • Describe and explain legal systems and processes.
  • Describe and explain legal concepts and principles.

This could be assessed using legal studies NCEA unit standard:

  • US10340: Describe the application of law to discrimination.

Unit 2: Crime and youth court

This unit could focus on the elements of crimes and their impact on people, legal defences, and the procedures for addressing crime within our justice system both for youth and adults.

A study could be made of the case of Antonie Dixon who attempted to use the defence of insanity for his role in a sword attack on two women. This would allow students to explore the trial process and learn about legal defences. The case of Bailey Kurariki could be used to explore how youth offenders are dealt with within our justice system.

Legal studies level 7 learning objectives

  • Describe and explain legal systems and processes.
  • Describe and explain legal concepts and principles.

This could be assessed using legal studies NCEA unit standard:

  • US8547: Describe the role, and operation of the Youth Justice System.

Unit 3: Consumer and contract

This unit could focus on contract law and the rights of consumers including rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986.

A case study could be made on the Case of Janice Pou and British American Tobacco et al where a New Zealand woman sues a tobacco company for allegedly causing her lung cancer.

Legal studies level 7 learning objectives

  • Describe and explain legal systems and processes.
  • Describe and explain legal concepts and principles.

This could be assessed using legal studies NCEA unit standard:

  • US8554: Describe elements and remedies for breach of contract.

Unit 4: Relationship law and wills

This unit could focus on the different definitions of a relationship and the property rights attached to different types of relationship including rights related to wills and intestacy.

A case study could be made of the case of the celebrity Anna Nicole Smith in USA who became embroiled in a court case surrounding the estate of her wealthy octogenarian deceased husband.

Legal studies level 7 learning objectives

  • Describe and explain legal concepts and principles.

This unit could be assessed using legal studies NCEA unit standard:

  • US8552: Describe legal consequences and protections relating to domestic violence and child abuse.

Unit 5: Laws and making laws

This unit could focus on the process for the creation of laws in New Zealand’s parliament and the philosophical basis for a parliamentary democracy.

A case study could be made comparing New Zealand’s law making process through our unicameral legislature to the process in the United States of America through its bicameral legislature.

Legal studies level 7 learning objectives

  • Describe and explain legal systems and processes.
  • Describe and explain legal concepts and principles.

This unit could be assessed using legal studies NCEA unit standard:

  • US8544: Describe how laws are made and changed in New Zealand.

Unit 6: Development of the New Zealand legal system

This unit explores the two strands of the New Zealand legal system; Māori Customary Law and the British Westminster system of government. The unit would explore the origins of both systems and their intertwining over our history.

A case study could be made relating to the Foreshore and Seabed Legislation today.

Legal studies level 7 learning objectives

  • Describe and explain legal systems and processes.
  • Describe and explain legal concepts and principles.

This unit could be assessed using legal studies NCEA unit standard:

  • US10347: Demonstrate knowledge of the development of the New Zealand legal system.

Last updated August 28, 2012
