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Developing the key competencies in economics

The key competencies underpin everything that happens in teaching and learning.

They have implications for all aspects of planning and teaching, including:

  • the design of activities and selection of resources, and the language used
  • content, topics or foci for learning
  • the role that both students and teachers take in the learning process
  • and the culture of the economics classroom.

The emphasis on key competencies in the NZC gives economics teachers an opportunity to reconsider the things they typically do in their programmes of teaching and learning.

The learning programme design section of this guide provides ideas about how to incorporate the front end of the NZC into economic programmes that also focus on developing key economic conceptual understandings.

What could key competencies look like in teaching economics?

Economic teachers can get general guidance on what key competencies could look like in your classroom at Key Competencies Online: What could key competencies look like in teaching?

The teaching as inquiry process can support the development of students’ capabilities in the key competencies, see also – Discussion tool: Teaching as inquiry and the key competencies.

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Last updated March 21, 2012
