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Graph alt text 8

Line graph entitled ‘Operating Income, NZ manufacturing sector’, showing operating income (in millions of dollars) by quarter, with a second line showing centred moving mean. Quarter (March-05, June-05, September-05, and so on) is listed along the horizontal (x) axis and thousands of millions of dollars (16, 17, 18, and so on) along the vertical (y) axis. Data points are connected in a continuous series of straight lines, in a sawtooth ascending pattern from March-05 to a maximum at December-07. A chain of centred moving mean data points is superimposed over the operating income line graph, from the third quarter (September-05) to the third from last quarter (June-07). The centred moving mean data points ascend smoothly in a roughly linear pattern, from approximately $17,550m to $19,000m.

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Last updated September 9, 2010
