Graph alt text 6
A bar graph (histogram) entitled ‘Rainy days per week, Auckland, 2006’, displaying a count of the number of weeks in 2006 with each of 0 to 7 days of rain. The horizontal (x) axis is number of days with rain from 0 to 7, and the vertical (y) axis is count of weeks, labelled in 5-unit intervals (0, 5, 10, 15, 20). Values are shown as vertical bars centred over each of the 7 number of days with rain, with heights as follow: 0 days of rain: 2, 1 day of rain: 5, 2 days: 5, 3 days: 5, 4 days: 19, 5 days: 6, 6 days: 6, and 7 days: 4, for a total of 52 weeks.
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Last updated September 9, 2010