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Learning objective 7.2

Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to:

  • examine meaning in media texts.

Possible concept links

  • Reading media texts


  • Discusses media conventions in a range of media texts.
  • Discusses a range of media texts.

Possible context elaborations

  • Lighting: how is it used to convey meaning in horror films?
  • Sitcom families: how has their portrayal changed over time?
  • The use of te reo Māori on TV: how has it changed over time?
  • Magazines: how has the style of favourite New Zealand magazines changed over time?
  • TV: how has reality television changed to meet audience demands?
  • Film: how has the science fiction film changed over time?
  • Film: how has the horror film changed over time?
  • Magazines: how has the print industry responded to the needs of Māori or Pasifika readers?
  • Film: are there similarities in the way New Zealand film stories are told?
  • Music videos: how do musicians use music videos to promote political or social issues? For example, Smashproof and Brother or Michael Jackson’s second video for They Don’t Really Care About Us.
  • TV serials (for example ER, Lost, or Flash Forward): record, in a blog or similar, how a significant character develops over the course of a season.
  • Film genre: create a film trailer to demonstrate understanding of a film genre.

Possible achievement standards

Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to the  NZQA website.

Learning objective 7.2 can be assessed using the following achievement standards:

  • AS91249 Media studies 2.2 Demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts; Internal, 4 credits.
  • AS91251 Media studies 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of an aspect of a media genre; External, 4 credits.

Last updated February 12, 2015
